
2474 Words

Claude “Hurry up,” Loki yanks on my invisible chain, and I stumble forward. “You said Raven was here, so find her, Lassie.” “f**k you,” I spit at Loki. For nearly a month, I have been tethered to Loki f*****g Fray. I hate being his goddamn pet. I want to find Raven, too, but not like this. I want to see my Beloved and finally take her home and show her the love she doesn’t think I have in me. I hate that some dragon has her trapped in a cave and is claiming she is his. Merlyn Starsky has postulated that Raven is the dragon’s mate, which is why he is keeping her. We know where she is as Jeremiah and Jeff have both seen her. But the dragon is powerful, and he can neutralize our powers. So trying to figure out how to get her has been difficult. I stop to look around, but Loki pulls on

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