To Town We Go

2951 Words

Raven I wake up on a snoring dragon and smile. I have never slept so soundly in my life. I am curled under Morax’s black wing with my head lying against his smooth scales. For a few minutes, I stare at his sleeping form. Stretching my arms, I slowly rise and slide off the dragon. It has been a few days since I let Nico mark me. In those days, we have had a lot of s*x. He took me to his mountaintop garden, where we had s*x in the pool and when I was trying to help him. I can’t believe I have started to fall for the dragon. Sighing, I walk over to my pile of clothes and look at them. I only have a few outfits, and they are all dirty. I grab one of Nico’s massive shirts and throw it on before walking to the kitchen. I open the makeshift fridge. Nico had gone to town to buy food, and I fo

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