Over the Edge

2243 Words

Nicodemus My face stings from the slap, but my heart stings more from Raven’s harsh words. I hate you echoes several times as she walks away. She plops down next to the burnt silhouette of her father. Morax is in my head, whimpering. He is tired of her constant vitriol. ‘We have to make her come around,’ He hisses. I walk over to Raven, and she has her back to me. “Raven,” I speak out. “Leave me alone,” She hisses. “I don’t want anything to do with you.” “You are my mate,” I argue. She sighs and shakes her head, “I wish I weren’t.” I let out a sigh and moved away from her. I sit in my chair and pick up one of my books. I read while I watch Raven. She gets up and moves to where I have placed her things. She pulls out a few more photographs and sits by the silhouette. I watch her eye

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