
2432 Words

Raven I watch as fire explodes from Morax, and I can’t see Papi for a moment. I hear a piercing cry and see his eagle soar past the cave entrance. “Papi!” I scream and try to reach the front of the cave, but Morax is blocking me. Papi lands again and shifts into human form. He glares right at Morax. ‘GET OUT!’ Morax bellows in our minds. Morax opens his mouth to blast more fire at Papi. I use his momentary distraction to run to Papi and stand in front of him. ‘MOVE!’ The dragon orders me. “No!” I stand firm. “If you hurt him, I will never forgive you.” The dragon snarls and narrows his yellow eyes at me. “Raven,” Papi grabs my arm. “I can handle the dragon.” “No,” I shake my head. “I am his mate. He won’t hurt me.” Papi’s mouth falls open, “Mate?” I nod, “Yeah, unfortunately,” I g

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