The Moonstones

2204 Words
Claude “Strike out with Raven again?” My brother, Alonzo, snorts as I walk into our home. “Shut up,” I grumble and stomp up to my bedroom. We live in a mansion in Manhattan, and my room overlooks Central Park. But right now, I care nothing about views as I flop on my four-poster bed. I have been pursuing Raven Starsky for five years but have loved her for longer than that. Her flowing red hair and sparkling emerald green eyes go through my mind as I try to picture a future with her. For witches and wizards, a beloved is much like a wolf’s mate but more spiritual. Ever since I met her when I was nine, and she was seven, I knew. There is a knock on my door, and my mother saunters in. She is a beautiful woman with silky black hair, big round brown eyes, and pale skin. Today she is wearing a long blue dress. Quietly she sits on my bed, “Claude.” I sit up to face her. “She keeps rejecting me, and my heart breaks every time.” “You mustn’t give up, my son. Your Beloved will come around,” She speaks in her soft tone. “Your father fought for me,” She smiles. “You have both told me about it,” I respond. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for him,” She starts. “I was poor.” “I know, Mom,” I mumble. “I know how poor you were, how you and Grandmama scrimped and saved for everything, how she worked up to four jobs at once to support six kids alone. I know.” “And then your father came along and swept me off my feet. I thought it was all too good to be true,” She flutters her long eyelashes. “He was rich and had many suitors.” “But he wanted you,” I smile and look at my hands. “Raven doesn’t want me.” “She doesn’t know what she wants,” Mom waves her hands. “She has allowed her mind to be poisoned by her father and grandfather. The rift between the Moonstones and Starskys isn’t allowing her to see that you are the one she belongs with.” “I know, Mom,” I sigh sadly. Mom stands up and hugs my shoulder, “Keep trying, Claude. She will come around.” She squeezes my shoulder, “I have to go see to dinner. Your father should be home later.” “How did the conference go?” I wonder. “He’ll tell us about it later, no doubt,” She laughs and walks out of my room. I sit on my bed for a few moments before getting up and wandering toward the living room. There is a large wrap-around grey couch with a huge tv that takes up most of one of the walls. My younger brother sits on the couch watching motorcycle racing while eating something. I sit on the couch a few cushions down from him, “Who’s winning?” I ask. “Not you,” He chuckles and offers the bowl of popcorn he is holding. I shake my head, “Asshole.” “Gregorio Rosenstein is in the lead,” He says between mouthfuls of popcorn. Alonzo is two years younger than me and is going to school for business. He had no interest in learning the craft growing up. Our father is a wizard, while our mother is fully human. My younger sister Yasmine is about to graduate from Woodhurt like I did and has become quite skilled at the craft. “So, Raven still won’t accept you?” Alonzo glances at me with his brown eyes. He took on more of our mother’s looks and has her black hair. “Shut up,” I grumble and stare at the pillow. “Why don’t you give up? Find some other chick. There are plenty of chicks,” He says while throwing popcorn into his mouth and washing it down with Red Bull. I sneer in disgust at the combination. “How can you eat popcorn while drinking Red Bull?” “It’s good,” He shrugs. “But seriously, Claude. Why don’t you come out with me and Drew tonight? We are going to a frat party, and it will be bomb and full of hot college chicks.” “I’m not interested in random hookups, Alonzo. You don’t understand,” I fold my arms. “Why? Because I am the only human here besides Mom?” He rolls his eyes. I say nothing and get up. I walk out of the living room and wander into the kitchen. Olena, our house chef, is busy at the stove making something. She glances at me and smiles as I walk in. She points at the island where some food is setting, “I made charcuterie,” she indicates. “I eye the meat and cheese layout. I pick up some cheddar and nibble on it while I sit on a stool. “Are you feeling fine?” Olena asks in a Caribbean accent. She emigrated from the Dominican Republic and has worked for us for nearly ten years. I nibble the cheese, “I am just here.” “Did your lady say no again?” Olena sets a glass of milk in front of me. Even though I am old enough to drink, she insists on giving me milk or juice to drink. “Well, not so much her as her grandfather and father,” I frown. “Keep trying, Master,” Olena smiles. She pats my hand, “I am making roast duck for your father’s return.” “That sounds excellent, Olena,” I slide off the stool and turn to leave the kitchen just as my parents walk in. “Dad,” I say to my father. He is wearing a black suit and has his brown hair combed, similar to mine. “Hello, Claude,” He pats my shoulder. “How did the conference go?” I ask. He huffs and picks up some cheese from the board, “About as well as your efforts with Raven Starsky.” “Mom said you would talk about it,” I laugh and sit back down. My father sits on a stool while my mother talks to Olena. “I had my own problems with a damn Starsky. Old Merlyn started trouble as usual,” Dad shakes his head. “Just because I asked him to talk to Raven on your behalf. He told me it's not his place to control his granddaughter’s love life. I merely pointed out that elders like him are supposed to guide the younger ones and encourage them to accept their beloveds,” Dad sighs as Olena sets a glass of wine in front of him, “Thank you, Olena,” He nods at her. “It’s like our kind has forgotten one of the fundamentals of our existence. Accepting your Beloved is part of being a spellcaster.” “Didn’t Merlyn reject Aunt Tamika?” I remember the story. “Yes, for some human,” Dad shakes his head. “The human ended up dying anyways because Merlyn has made so many enemies.” I listen while nibbling on crackers and olives. “Then Jeffery,” Dad shakes his head, “He never even bothered with his beloved. He just went for a damn werewolf who had a mate. My brother was killed because of Jeff,” Dad mentions his brother Herod. “Why do the Starskys and Moonstones hate each other?” I know the answer, but I like hearing it. “The Starskys think because they descend from the real Merlin, they are the kings of our kind. We Moonstones are descendants of Morgan Le Fey. Our ancestors believed both families deserved equal stake in ruling the spellcasters, but the Starskys wouldn’t allow that. Just because Morgan was a little bit evil,” Dad explains. “Anyways, I’m sure Merlyn and Jeffery have poisoned Raven’s mind against you and any of our family. It will be an uphill battle for sure to win her.” “I don’t see how I will ever get to her, Dad,” I mutter. “She clearly hates me, so I don’t know why I bother.” “Because you are Claude Moonstone,” Dad squeezes my arm. “Moonstones do not give up, ever.” I smile at him, “You are right, Dad.” “That’s my boy,” He pulls my mom onto his lap. “See this beauty?” He grins at my mother. “Had I not kept trying to win her heart, then you and your brother and sister would not be here.” “I’m sure the world could have done without Alonzo,” I snicker. Mom slaps me in the back of my head, “Don’t talk about your brother like that.” “Now, son, I’m going to teach you the ultimate love spell that Raven will not be able to resist,” Dad says and sips his wine. “I thought love spells didn’t work,” I sigh. “That’s just what Woodhurst tells you. They do work, but you have to use some black magic, and Woodhurst is all about white magic,” Dad laughs and proceeds to explain the spell to me. Later that night, I sit in my room, reviewing the spell my father told me about. “Last resort,” I muse while looking at my book of shadows. Every witch and wizard has their personal book of spells and potions and any other knowledge they need. I decided to go back to Erie Lake Pack tomorrow to talk to Raven. I close my eyes and dream about my fiery red-headed Beloved. The dream is going well until a massive black dragon takes Raven, and I wake up with a start. “It was just a dream,” I muttered before returning to sleep, where I dreamed about the dragon again. I wake up the next morning, get dressed in one of my finer suits, and comb my hair. I head out of the house and do a spell that will transport me to Erie Lake in an instant. I end up just outside of the pack as usual. I sneak in the same way I always do and head toward Raven’s house. It is located just behind the packhouse. I always admired how ostentatious werewolves can be. They try to hide their nature but insist on building these massive houses like they won’t be noticed. I walk to Raven’s house and see her walking out with a huge backpack strapped to her back. I duck behind a bush, turn myself into a sparrow, and fly closer to the house. I sit on a branch and watch as Raven loads her backpack into a waiting car. I watch as her family gathers outside, and there are a lot of tears as Raven hugs each one starting with her younger siblings. Then she moves on to her grandfather, Merlyn, and his husband, Jeremiah. Finally, she hugs her parents. “I love all of you,” She blubbers. “Don’t forget to write and call,” Her mother tells her. “I won’t, Mom,” Raven sniffles. “And remember, if you get into any trouble at all,” Her father grabs her shoulders, “You call your grandfather or me, and we will be there for you, right, Dad?” Jeffery asks his father. Merlyn pulls out an obsidian stone, “Use this and call our name, and we’ll come to you,” He explains to Raven. “No questions asked.” “Thanks, Grandpa,” Raven hugs him again. She wipes her nose and walks towards the car. She waves before getting in. I watch it drive away and listen as her mother sobs. Her younger sister hugs their father. ‘She’s leaving?’ I have gathered. “It will be okay, Temperance,” Jeffery Starsky assures his wife. “Raven will be fine.” “I am going to miss her, Jeff,” Temperance cries. “We all will. But Raven needs to be on her own,” Jeff rubs her back. “We’ll watch over her, Temperance,” Merlyn adds. I hear a screech and an eagle swoops against my branch. I nearly fall off but regain my balance and glare as the eagle lands beside Merlyn and turns back into Jeremiah. “Claude Moonstone,” Merlyn growls towards me. I take wing and fly away but am followed by the eagle. My little sparrow wings are almost no match for the eagle, but I make it out of the territory, and he stops following me. I turn myself back into a man and teleport myself away from the pack. ‘Raven may think she is getting away from me, but I will find her,’ I muse to myself. “You are mine, Raven Starsky,” I declare and teleport myself back to Manhattan.
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