Cosmic Things

2836 Words
Raven I drop my bags on the floor as soon as I enter the penthouse. I immediately go to the window to look out at the city. I am here in my grandfather’s penthouse in Manhatten to stay for a few days until I decide where I want to go. I invited my best friend Loki to spend a few days with me and hope he comes. I look at my phone and see a dozen messages from my mother. She was reluctant to let me go, but my father and grandfather convinced her it was a good idea. I look back out to the city and sigh. I have been here before, but it feels like freedom. “Thank you, Grandpa,” I express before turning away from the view and grabbing my bags. I run up the spiral stairs and into one of the rooms. I set my bags down and flopped on the king-sized bed. I roll around giggling until my phone rings, making me scream like a little girl. “Loki?” I yell into the phone. “No need to yell,” My best friend scoffs. “Sorry, I was startled,” I respond to him, and I can feel him rolling his eyes. “I’m in front of the building. If you want to come, let me in,” He states in his dry tone. “I’ll be right there,” I say, hanging up the phone and springing to my feet. I check myself out in the mirror and smooth my shirt. I have red hair flowing down my shoulders while wearing a grey t-shirt with butterflies and old jeans. I left home this morning and flew here to New York City. My grandfather had given me the addresses of several of the houses he owned and told me I could stay in any one. My phone vibrates, and I see it’s Loki texting me. He is impatient, so I hurry out of the penthouse and into the elevator. It takes me a few minutes to reach the bottom floor, and I see my best friend standing in the lobby while the doormen stare at him. “Ms. Starsky,” a man named Fred, who staffs the front desk, addresses me. “This young man says he’s here for you,” Fred points at Loki. I grin at my best friend, who is eying Fred. “Yeah, he’s my friend Fred. He’s staying with me for a few days.” “Does your grandfather know?” Fred asks while looking Loki up and down. This is a posh place, and Loki looks out of place with his long black trench coat and messy curly dirty blonde hair. He has a thick beard covering his face, and his strange golden-brown eyes stare at me. “Yes,” I respond to Fred and turn to Loki. I hold my arms out, and Loki gives me a rare hug. He quickly let's go and looks around. “Merlyn doesn’t strike me as someone into places like this,” Loki mentions. “My grandfather likes all sorts of places,” I say and wave at Fred before leading Loki to the elevator. “When did you start growing out your beard?” His beard had been much shorter the last time I had seen him. Loki shrugs, “It got to be too much work, so I just let it grow.” I reach over and tug on it. I am one of the few people that Loki allows to touch him. “Humphrey is okay with it?” “Humphrey lets me do my own thing,” He snorts. I nod as I remember the former headmaster of Woodhurst. Humphrey had been a good friend of my great-grandmother. I remember the look on his face whenever Loki and I got sent to his office. Humphrey took in Loki after he was orphaned at five years old. “How is he?” I ask. Loki sighs, “He is going blind. So I have been helping him out when I can.” “Oh, I didn’t take you-“ “No,” Loki shakes his head as we enter the posh elevator. “Damn, even the elevator costs more than most houses.” “Yeah,” I laugh. “No, Humphrey’s niece, Lydia, came to live with us, and she cares for him,” Loki states. “I needed to get away for a bit,” He smiles. We reach the top floor and step into the penthouse. Loki whistles while shaking his head. “Merlyn knows how to live,” He laughs. “Tell me about it,” I lead him up the stairs. “You can pick any room except for Grandpa and Papi’s room,” I point to a door at the end of the hallway. Loki goes into the room my brothers often stayed in whenever we were here. It has four bunks and is set up with toys and arcade games. “Um, this one,” He laughs. “Cool,” I breathe out. “What do you want to do?” “My friend Carly told me about this club,” He sets his bags down. “It’s for people like us,” He gestures. “Witches?” “Well, supernaturals in general. I guess it's mostly vampires that go there, but she has met fae and shifters there,” He explains as we go back down the stairs to the kitchen. “Sounds like trouble,” I smirk at him as I grab a beer from the fridge. “Want a beer?” I ask Loki. “Sure,” He replies. I pull out a bottle for him, and we both take swigs. “What is the club called?” I ask. “Morte Diem or something like that,” Loki chuckles. “I’ll get Carly to give us directions.” I smile at him, “So, Carly,” I waggle my eyebrows. “No, she is not my beloved,” Loki snorts. “Just a friend,” I smirk. Loki snorts and throws his hands up, “I am asexual, so it’s nothing like that.” “I know,” I chuckle. “Sure, we can go out tonight. I am free to do anything I want. Dad finally convinced Mom to cut the strings,” I shake my head. “I’m surprised your mother was so strict about you leaving home. Gretchen told me that she used to be in a death metal band and was quite the rebel,” Loki states. “She was, and she rebelled against her fated mate and caused all sorts of trouble. I think that’s why she is strict with me,” I chug my beer. “Or something like that.” “I wish I could have met my mother,” Loki frowns. “I tracked down one of her sisters, but she didn’t want to talk to me.” “I’m sorry,” I sigh, remembering Loki never met his parents. Loki was orphaned at five, and Humphrey took him in. His father was a witch, but his mother was human and from a religious family. They disowned her when they learned what his father was. Loki has tried to contact family members, but no one wants to talk, and Humphrey won’t tell him what happened. “I’m surprised Gran didn’t know what happened to them,” I state. “She knew just like Humphrey knew, but neither will tell me,” Loki wrinkles his nose and slams his beer down, causing it to foam up. “s**t, sorry,” He scrambles, looking for something to wipe it up. I casually walk to the dish towel drawer and toss him one. “It’s just beer, Loki.” We sit and chat in the kitchen before ordering some Chinese for dinner. While eating, we watch Lucifer, and Loki calls Carly. “Okay, Carly gave me directions,” He says with a mouthful of chow mein. “Do you really want to go?” I nod while sipping on some soda. “I said yes,” I huff. Loki shakes his head, “Okay, I was just making sure.” After eating, I go to my room to shower and find something to wear. I rummage through the closet and find a short black dress. I put it on, braid my hair, and put on some wild makeup. Loki knocks on the door, and I turn to him. He is wearing black jeans with a black band shirt. “You look good,” I say as I notice he has trimmed his beard and combed his hair. He touches his head, “Yeah, I got the mop to look less mop-like.” I laugh and finish my makeup. I stand up and smooth my dress, “Do I look okay?” “You look hot, but then you have always looked hot, Raven,” Loki states. I can’t help but giggle as I take his arm, and we venture out of the penthouse. We hail a cab, and it takes us toward Times Square. After paying the driver, Loki leads me down a narrow alleyway, and I feel a bit nervous. I have only been around a few vampires, as my parents’ band manager was one. A thin blonde hair girl in a bright pink dress jumps out at us. “BOO!” She squeals, and I jump while Loki scoffs. “Funny, Carly,” He folds his arms. Carly looks at me, “You must be Raven. Damn, you are hot,” She grins. “Do you f**k girls?” My eyes widen as I laugh, “What?” “Are you into girls?” Carly asks while licking her lips. “I, uh, no,” I answer. “Too bad,” Carly shrugs and looks at Loki. “Maybe I can turn her,” She grins and walks down the alley. Loki looks at me with a grin, “That’s Carly.” “I got that,” I laugh and follow Carly. “Are you a wolf?” Carly asks. “Cause you to smell like one, but I don’t sense one.” “No, my mother is a wolf, but I didn’t get one,” I tell her. “I am a witch.” “Me too,” Carly states. “I am also part fae.” She stops at a heavy metal door and knocks hard. A large man ugly man opens the door with large bumps on his face and stringy brown hair with green eyes. “What?” He scowls at us while sniffing the air with his bulbous nose. “Throw out the dishwater with the trash,” Carly states to the man. “Go in,” the man stands aside and lets us in. We step into a rundown warehouse, and I glance at Loki as we follow Carly. “I told you it was underground,” He whispers as we follow Carly. The wall is covered in mold and dripping water. Some of it looks ready to fall apart, and I wonder how safe it is. “It’s not safe at all,” Carly seems to have read my mind. She leads us down a rickety metal staircase, and the temperature drops. I shivered and wished I had worn something else. We go down several flights, and I hear thumping dance music and smell weed and other substances. “It’s wolfsbane mixed with sage and all kinds of s**t,” Carly explains as we descend into the club. There are dozens of dancing people with a DJ spinning on a stage. The room is heavy with fog and smoke as we reach the floor. As Carly takes us towards the makeshift bar, a few eyes look at us. “They make some badass drinks,” she pats the bar, and a man with tan skin and long black hair walks over. “Hey, Carly,” He greets her and then eyes me. “Who is your friend?” He licks his lips and nods at me. “This is Raven,” Carly winks at me. “This is Carlos,” she states. “I think he likes you.” Loki stands behind us, seeming uninterested. “What can I get such a beautiful woman?” Carlos grins at me. “Get a cosmic freeze,” Carly urges me. “It’s so good.” “Okay,” I look at Carlos, “What she said.” “Right away,” Carlos slides down the bar. I glance at Loki, “I’m sorry. Did you want something?” He shakes his head, “I’m fine. I’m going to go mingle.” “Okay,” I watch him walk away, and I sigh. “Here,” Carly hands me a bright pink and green drink. I glance over to see Carlos leering at me, and I feel creeped out. Carly leads me over to an empty table. “I hope Loki isn’t upset,” I say. “I’m sure he’s not. You know he is a bit of a loner,” Carly downs half of her drink. “You guys grew up together, huh?” I nod, “Yeah, he is my best friend.” “Just best friend?” Carly asks. “Yeah,” I reply, “He is almost like a brother to me.” I take a sip of my drink, and it’s sickeningly sweet, “Whoa,” I laugh. “Good, huh?” Carly laughs. “It’s sweet.” “Let’s go dance,” Carly grabs my hand and pulls me towards the dance floor. She begins to gyrate, and I feel awkward as I try to do what she is doing. “Let yourself go. No one gives a s**t if you can’t dance.” I can’t help but laugh and begin just moving with the music. Carly and I dance through several songs before getting some more cosmic freezes. I catch glimpses of Loki talking to a girl in all-black at a table. He seems intrigued by her. I turn back to dancing and hope my best friend will be alright. Carly is dancing with a huge muscular man with tattoos covering his arms and neck. I dance alone for a while until a pale man with nearly white hair and red eyes begins to dance with me. I can sense that he is a vampire, but he seems friendly enough and hot. He grins at me, showing off his fangs, and licks them with his tongue. He wraps his arms around me and leans in, “Are you afraid of me?” A chill goes down my spine, and I shake my head, “Should I be?” He licks my ear, and I shudder, “We’ll see, little witch.” I dance with the mysterious vampire through several songs before he takes me to the bar. Carlos, the bartender, glares at him with utter hatred. “Two cosmic things,” I say to Carlos. He sneers at my dance partner, gets our drinks, and slams them on the counter, “She’s mine, Donato,” Carlos hisses. My companion grabs a drink and smirks at Carlos, “Not tonight.” “Donato?” I ask the vampire. He wraps an arm around his waist and pulls me away from the bar, “Yes, I am Donato. And what is your name, beautiful?” “Raven,” I respond. “Raven,” He nods and sets his drink down. “Such a beautiful name.” I smile at him and let him buy me more drinks before we sneak out of the club. He pushes me against a wall and begins to kiss my neck and cheeks. “You aren’t going to bite me, are you?” “No, I thirst for something else, Raven,” Donato hums in my ear. “You smell like a virgin.” I shudder as his red eyes stare me down. “I-I am,” I squeak out. Donato captures my lips and runs his hands up and down my body, “Not after I get through with you.” I give into the vampire’s charms as he rubs his hands against my breasts. I let out a moan as he gyrates against me. “Is that a yes?” Donato grins, showing off his white teeth again. “Yes,” I moan as he pulls down the strap on my dress, exposing my breast. I close my eyes and wait for whatever Donato is going to do. I hear a hiss, and Donato is suddenly no longer against me. I open my eyes to see him on the ground, engulfed in flames. “Hello, Raven,” Claude Moonstone steps toward me with a grin. “I saved you from this vampire.” “What the f**k?” I yell.
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