3- Seduction

845 Words
"Ally...", Bella had spoken in my ears on call, "Ally... can I... can I come to.. come to you today?" Bella's voice was shaking terribly. "Bella?" I had sat up straight immediately in alert, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" "No. No no no no... nothing is wrong!" she shouted in an unusually high pitched tone, "I just want to come over. Nothing is wrong." her voice dropped to a very low whisper as she begged, "Pl... please Ally. Let me come over. Please." "All done!" the doctor singsonged happily and wrenched my mind out of the memories I had gotten lost into. Gasping in surprise I came back to the present as my eyes fell upon the bandage on my hand. The glasses were already out and the doctor had bandaged my hand after cleaning the wounds. "Come back after two weeks and we will open the bandage and see how it goes." The doctor grinned at me. I gave him a small smile and hopped off the hospital chair to walk out of there. My bank account was now completely empty afyer giving the bills of the hospital. My savings were all gone. I needed to find a job now. Otherwise go hungry. The past month had been a hell for me. A hell where I did not have any idea when I ate, slept, woke up or slept again. But now I needed to get my head straight. After reaching home the first thing that I did was to start searching the internet for any small job that would keep me afloat. Thankfully there was an ad given at the very top of the job website, asking for a waitress at a night club. I jumped in excitement like I had just found a treasure. This was probably the best job for me to keep my sanity intact right now. Sleep was a horrifying endeavor for me and so did staying home at night alone. I needed an escape, and probably this was it. ***** I got hired.  They took a small interview, asked random questions, showed me the uniform, and then hired me on the spot. It was a strip club, a grand one. Although it was empty when I had went to give the interview. But I was sure as hell that it stayed pack jammed with people at night. The interious was lush, glassy and as classy as anything could get.  The dress they showed me was kind of slutty, I could not help but notice. A maroon extra mini, tight legged skirt with an equally tight top with a V neck to highlight my chest, making my boobs spill out as a tease, barely touching the the top of my navel. On the side of the skirt in vertical letters, 'Seduction' glimmered in silver, showing the club name. It was hot. I got told I am going to have to wear at least four inches of heels with the dress, either black or red. And heavy makeup. Loads of heavy makeup. All of this was not really my style but I needed to earn a living and this was probably my only chance before the dreams drove me insane. ***** The day passed in a whoosh as I prepared for my new job. I already had a pair of black heels so all of it was arranged for me. I just needed to get ready. Eight at night arrived quick enough. This was first time in weeks when I was going out with a purpose in my head. I straightened my hair, let them fall lose on my back, wore a bright red lipstick that could put any Goddess to shame, did some eye makeup with mascara, eyeliner and smoky eye shadow, put hoops in my ears, and in two hours I was running to get inside the cab that was waiting for me outside. The club was about five miles away from my house. Upon reaching there I noticed how packed it was, making my assumption right. People were lining up outside, at least hundred were already there and more kept coming. My legs were going to become jelly at two am when my shift ends, I was sure as f**k of it. Upon showing my ID to the guard, I was ushered inside immediately. As soon as I was in, Daisy, my manager took me to the bar, told the bartender to pour the drinks while she showed me the tables that I was going to serve tonight, and ran away just as fast as she had come.  This place was insane.  The strippers were dancing seductively on poles on stage. Their oily bodies moving over the sleek steel of the poles, like snakes, seductive and beautiful. The sight of them was glorious, I was sure that the man filling up the room were having a hard time adjusting their pants. Now, all that I was hoping for was for me to stay sane during my shift. The nightmares only came while I was sleeping, right?
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