4- Table Number Five

674 Words
"Ally!" Daisy shouted over the music while I was standing right beside her, "Guys on table number five keep asking for you." "But my tables are three, eight and fifteen... right?" I replied hesitantly. "Switch the eighth with five. Those dudes are s**t loaded. You are going to have your breasts bulging with money. Hop on lady!" Daily winked and walked away, leaving me a bit concerned than happy. Picking up the tray of drinks from the bar, I straightened and walked over to the table number five. It was a five seater table, all the spots were full. The man sitting around were gorgeous as f**k, their attitude and looks giving off the college students vibe. They saw me walking over to them and elbowed each other, pointing at me with their eyebrows. Once their I gave them the hundred megawatt flirty smile that Daily had made sure to make me perfect at in our interview only. The men around the table immediately smiled back, happy with the way I bent down, showing my glorious cleavage through the V neck top and placed the drinks in front of each one of them. I turned around and walked away, the flirty smile wiping off my face like a light switch getting turned off. I served the other tables as well throughout the night, but table number five remained the highlight, asking for me again and again, ordering constantly, and Daily was more than happy to let me hang others just to take care of the people on table five. They were celebrating a birthday of one of them, hooting and cheering and passing nasty comments for the pole dancers and strippers.  My feet had started to hurt badly. And the way that table number five kept staring at me, ordering again and again, trying to get a feel of my body by touching my arm, thigh, waist nonchalantly, and had started to make me a slight bit uncomfortable. "You made our night entertaining, Ally." One of the jocks said, sliding his arm in my waist while one of his friends pulled out his wallet from his pocket, "It was a great fun having you as our... hostess." "My pleasure." I smiled, relieved that it was finally over and they were going. "You deserve a nice tip," the one with the wallet whose birthday it was said, pulling out a hundred dollar bill and dangling it in front of my eyes, "But you have to get it from here." Saying that he thrust the bill in the waistband of his jeans, over the zipper while his friends roared in laughter. My hands clenched around the trey that I was holding in anger. "In your dreams." I gritted through clenched teeth while making sure to not let the smile fall from my lips. I could not let Daisy get the hint of this drama otherwise I was going to be thrown out of the strip club faster than the lighting. The smile from the jock's face fell. His friends started laughing at him.  "Okay, no problem, sweetheart." The jock said, pulling out the bill between his forefinger and second one, "How about between your breasts, that is alright, isn't it?" I hesitated for a second. But a hundred dollar bill tip was too rare to just let pass. And it was not a big deal to receive the tip in cleavage as well.  Moving forward, I bent down in front of him. His hand extended with the bill, but before I could even understand what was happening, he slid his hand in my waist, snatched me forward, making me fall in his lap and slid his hand in my cleavage, deep inside, thrusting the bill in between my breast and grabbing the whole boob in his palm. "What the f**k!" I snarled, immediately starting to shoot out of his lap but his hands clenched around my waist. Pulling his hand out of my cleavage he slid it down, sliding under my skirt and palming my center. 
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