Chapter 15 :: Busted

737 Words
so, after they reached the nearest hospital......which was quite frustratingly difficult considering they barely knew much around, they are tourists for heavens sake! they got Farida admitted to the emergency, even there they faced another difficulty because doctor needed signature on papers of any close blood related aka actual family of Farida or her husband.....else they would not admit her because of her recent complicated pregnancy, though after a long discussion, reluctantly they got her admitted.... even if it lasted no more than probably 10 minute most it was very a lengthy and discussion of Insiyaa's 17 something years of life....... She had to give it to Ruthba.....she had the patience of a saint, no doubt! Insiyaa was sitting on the hospital bench and Ruthba was still standing outside the operation theatre, parading around......Shawkat went out saying he needed to do something important. Insiyaa was pretty sure he was trying to contact Baba! almost 2 hours passed since then and there was still no sign of anyone let alone Farida's husband Shezaad......they tried the number Farida gave them so many times and yet nothing. few minutes after a female doctor came out looking quite exhausted.......making the two woman straighten up abruptly. She let out a sigh saying Mother and Daughter are both fine but Farida was senseless and they will keep baby under observation for 48 hours.....and left from there. both Insiyaa and Ruthba let out a another sigh of relief but by then just when they turned around 2 more figure came in their view and it was none other than her baba and her elder brother Rahat........ and both looked angry! Oh! Dear! Shawkat was right behind them looking down. Ruthba let out a gasp but Insiyaa stood there as if her feet has grown roots in them. "b-baba" A whisper left her mouth and she gulped, so many things she wanted to say, about things that had been happening around, things they witnessed last night ? .....explanations she wanted to give, but at that moment nothing....absolutely nothing came out. Her father and elder brother looked at her the way as if she committed a huge crime...... although it was a crime..... according to many in India! in her country most of the house would a female only with one condition......they will always be submissive! now, Amarendra Raichand had everything but he never got a docile and obedient daughter he always wanted. His daughter was insolent,.... with a highly opinionated, rebellious, wild careless no scratch would be CAREFREE attitude! in short Insiyaa Hayat Raichand was a certified trouble-maker "baba wo--- [ Baba... I Ruthba was about to say something but her father stopped her by raising his hand, his eyes were still on his daughter......"not now" his low voice rumbled he and Rahat left from there, straight to the reception counter to talk to anyone of authority....... one thing Insiyaa knew that Rahat was angry as hell, considering the way he was throwing occasional glares at her...... "Bhai....please just le-let m-me explain" "shut up...just shut up now" Rahat growled...."I'll deal with you later.....i was worried sick when one of guard phoned when they could not find you in that accursed cyber cafe, you so desperately needed to go........right when we were about to left for airport that day'' Rahat hissed again looking at her angrily, Insiyaa flinched...... "do you care for anything at all other than what you want, ever" He said again ''hey, watch your tone, bro" Shawkat gritted out glaring at him..... "it's not like you didn't know, i already informed you about her few days ago.....snap out of it" He snapped even though she knew this was how it meant to end, but that still didn't prepare her for what now she just faced. True, her family has never been the typical hysterical Indian family, as least she never had to witness something like that, but she felt the heat underneath all that cool exterior of both her father Amarendra Raichand and her brother Rahat Raichand today. and she somehow knew this would not be ending well.......and definitely not today. It's been hours......since Doctor had go through a C-section, Farida wouldn't be released for at least 72 hours,......and a complete 24hours have past and still no sign of Shezaad. Ruthba has been trying to contact him constantly.....still nothing! Or the family, even they didn't bother to call Raichands for once! --------------------------
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