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CHAPTER 2 “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Megan accepted Susannah’s hug and hoped she didn’t smell as gross as she felt after a full day of traveling. It was a two-hour ride by bus from the mission complex to the San Jose airport, and she was covered in dust and sweat. Thankfully, Scott and Susannah’s home had air-conditioning. She could definitely get used to this. Megan pulled away and studied her sister-in-law. “You don’t even look pregnant!” Susannah laughed easily. “Four months along already.” Scott beamed and rubbed his wife’s belly. “If you go by the pregnancy calendar, our little baby’s about the size of an orange and growing bigger every day.” He leaned down and let his voice rise an octave. “Aren’t you, little baby? You’re growing so big for your mommy and daddy who love you so much.” Megan had never seen her brother baby-talk to anyone before. She wondered what her parents would think, then shoved the thought away. “How’s Kitty doing?” Susannah’s smile wavered for just a second. “She just woke up from her nap. She’s looking forward to meeting you.” Why did she look so nervous? Megan glanced at her brother. “Kitty can sometimes take a little time to decide if she likes you or not,” Scott whispered while his wife headed down the hall. “Is everything okay?” Megan still wasn’t exactly sure how she was supposed to act around someone with cerebral palsy. Kitty couldn’t talk, but she used other cues to communicate. Megan was afraid she’d forget the difference between one kick and two or find some other way to accidentally insult Scott’s new family. “Kitty,” Susannah was calling from the doorway. “Are you ready to meet Scott’s sister? Megan’s here all the way from Costa Rica. Remember how much we pray for her and her work with the orphans there?” Megan glanced up once more at her brother. Was she supposed to head down the hall now or wait to be invited? Funny how she could handle a classroom of forty rambunctious students, preaching Bible stories and teaching multiplication facts in a second language, but now that she was back with Scott, she reverted so readily to her old role. The role of the little sister in need of protection. The attention-starved child looking to her larger-than-life brother for reassurance. Or the heartbroken new missionary crying on her brother’s shoulder her first Christmas on the field. “Go ahead,” Scott whispered. His smile was warm and kind. Maybe they were both falling back to old roles. Scott took her arm and led her down the hall. “Oh, Kitty,” he called out in a sing-song voice. “Guess who’s here to see you? You ready to meet your new sister?”
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