Chapter Two-3

1699 Words

Judging by what she had seen of the house and learnt from Mrs. Fellows of the number of servants employed, she could only imagine that Lord Ravenscar was a ‘rake’. This was the type of young man that her father had always spoken of so scathingly and perhaps he was also a libertine, as the General had thought Sir Harvey to be. ‘Yet, if he has any decency in him at all,’ Romara told herself, ‘I must somehow persuade him to help Caryl. There is no one else.’ At the same time she was terribly afraid that the man she had married would be concerned with nothing but his own pleasure. She wondered what would happen to her, seeing the predicament he had put her into, but that was a problem that could be solved later. Where Caryl was concerned the matter was urgent and thoughts of anything else

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