Book 1 Chapter 5 Are you sure?

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King Rafes POV As I sit here on my throne and welcome all the Alphas and Lunas to the Alpha Games my mind takes me back to a time when I was truly happy. I had met my mate Jasmine and made her my Queen. We lived happily and we were soaring into the clouds of our dreams when Jasmine announced she was pregnant. We loved so hard and we were so happy that the rouges with the betrayer took me by surprise. Jasmine had gone to the Starfall Pack to visit her family and the new Luna Carly. While there the rouges attacked and she escaped. While on the run she had our child. When I felt the unbearable pain of her death I thought our child had died too. Now I know different. She was alive all this time and practically right under my nose suffering unimaginable pain by herself. I don't know why I didn't see it before. Luna Jadeite is an exact replica of my Jasmine and looks to be around the right age. Not to mention we had planned on naming a girl Jadeite if we had one which is a very rare name for a werewolf. Poor Jadeite looks sick and badly beaten down especially after what her mate just did to her. I would have known that her Alpha wasn't a true Alpha as soon as she stepped into the room I just wouldn't have known how bad it was if I hadn't have had the opportunity to connect with her. Jake was also stupid enough to select a dress for her that shows too much skin. The introduction at the beginning of the Games is meant to judge the Alpha on how much he covets his Luna. Most Alphas do not let their Luna show a lot of skin. Just enough to show their mate mark. Luckily enough Jadeite was smart enough to get testing done prior to coming here and her Dr. Star was able to send the medical records and Jake was stupid and arrogant enough he dressed her like a high-class w***e. She makes it elegant though. You could tell she was uncomfortable but she help herself with so much grace and poise you'd know right away she was no w***e. When new records came in this morning I was shocked but looked through them only to become extremely horrified. It makes it worse to know it was my daughter all along. So when all the Alphas and Lunas show up I stand up to make a few announcements and begin the trial that was going to happen with or without this new development. "Welcome Alphas and Lunas to this year's Alpha Games. Remember the Alpha games are always filmed starting as you walked through the palace doors for your packs viewing. Your packs need to know who their Alphas and Lunas truly are. I have a few announcements and then we will have an unprecedented start. First announcement is something I just discovered. Something truly astounding and amazing at that! I just found out that my long lost child that we all thought was gone with the late Queen Jasmine has been found!!" Cheers erupt around the crowd as well as the shocked faces of the council and the guests. "OK quiet down I'm sure you all want to know who it is. Everyone please welcome my surprise daughter Luna Jadeite!!" I shout as I stare at her. She's in so much shock she doesn't know what to do. Her so-called mate looks shocked as hell and has turned a sickly pale green. I could smell his fear. Good, he deserves it. Jadeite still sits stock still so I walk up to her and grab her hand. She looks up at me with so much hope and said so quietly if I wasn't a wolf I wouldn't be able to hear it "" "Yes little one I am one hundred percent sure. You look just like my Jasmine. It's been so long since she passed I almost didn't see it. However when I came to talk to you when Alpha Jake was indisposed and grabbed your hand I knew right away. My wolf Nightmare claimed you as our little girl. He knew right away. I'm so sorry I stopped searching for you. I thought you had died when Jasmine did." I say almost breaking down. I clear my throat and say "We can speak of all of this later but for now please come take your rightful seat at my side where my Jasmine used to sit." At this Jake finally speaks and just like I assumed it would be what came out of his mouth was bullshit. "Hold on," Jake says " Jade is my Luna she belongs with me." I don't even look at him as I take her hand into mine. "Come dear heart we have a ceremony to commence and another unsavory affair that I think you might actually enjoy. It should put a smile on that lovely face of yours." She stands up elegantly and this close I can see her protruding collar bones and I can almost count her ribs. I can see the bruises that had bloomed dark purple and blue on her pale skin. I can also see some blood stains so I know she was in worse pain from the mate's betrayal than she let on more than even I could tell she was going through. When I touched her hand Nightmare connected with Gemini right away because we are family. He was able to free her from Shades command and set her free to sever her connection. The Moon immediately took notice and started to create a new connection within Gemini. Gemini was no longer Shades mate now Jadeite needs to also get her connection removed from Jake. That little worm came back looking so smug after he came back from banging that w***e. I saw him looking at Jadeite's new bruises with an evil glint in his eye. I swear Jake will pay for what he did to my daughter!
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