Chapter Ten-1

2002 Words

Chapter TenWith Bradan and a smiling diver carrying the swinging litter that held Melcorka, the Singhalese left their hill-top camp for the Ghats. They travelled warily, alert for Thiruzha warriors as they jogged along a succession of narrow forest tracks, avoiding villages in case spies reported them to Dhraji. Twice, they passed crossroads decorated with the twisted bodies of men and women, executed in various hideous ways. 'Dhraji's work,' Chaturi said. 'These people are better off dead than under her power.' Ignoring the colourful snakes and hordes of biting and crawling insects, the Singhalese made good progress. After two days, Kosala lifted a hand and signalled them to stop. He pointed ahead, unsmiling but evidently pleased. 'There,' Chaturi said. 'We are on the foothills of the

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