Chapter Nine-3

1522 Words

'With this woman,' Chaturi nearly smiled, 'there will always be hope. Your Melcorka will not give up until she is dead, and I doubt she will give up even then.' She looked directly at Bradan. 'What did this kanaima say? What were the exact words of the curse?' Bradan thought back to the battle on the island. 'She said: “I curse you. I curse you in your body and in your mind. I curse you in your possessions and your strength. I curse you in your travels and your weather. I curse you until the balance of the world is restored.” She was going to say more but Melcorka cut off her head.' 'A pity your friend had not been a little faster. I suspect this kanaima was a black witch, which are evil things whatever name they go under. They can communicate with demons and do nothing but harm.' Chatur

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