Chapter Nine-1

2018 Words

Chapter Nine'Dead? Bradan stared at the jailer in disbelief. 'When? How?' He grabbed the wall for support as all the strength drained from his legs. Melcorka can't be dead. She's too vital, too alive. The jailer grinned. 'In about two minutes' time. Do you want to watch?' 'You said she is dead,' Bradan said. 'In all but name.' The jailer nodded. 'Bhim sent the order just a few moments ago. “Kill the useless,” Bhim said, “to make room for officer prisoners of war from the Chola Empire.” ' Bradan tried a deep breath but the foul air caught in his throat, so he gagged and nearly threw up. He thought quickly. 'You just want the space, then?' The jailer shrugged. 'Yes.' 'I'll take her away,' Bradan said. 'Give her to me.' 'The Raja gave an order. If I let her go, I'll be given to the ele

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