Chapter Eight

3182 Words

Chapter EightThe Thiruzha fleet had survived their fighting retreat back to Kollchi. They had lost seven ships to the Cholas and every vessel now carried the scars of battle. Sails were torn, oars broken, arrows stood out from each hull like the spines of hedgehogs and the decks were strewn with dead or dying men. In return, they had accounted for nine Chola ships as well as the loolas and had killed an unknown number of Chola warriors. 'You fought well,' Bhim shouted through his speaking-trumpet. 'Now it is time to stand behind our defences and watch the Cholas' attack splinter against the stone walls. Withdraw to the harbour!' Like the excellent commander he was, Bhim waited until the last of his fleet had entered the harbour before he followed with his flagship. Once again, Bradan cou

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