holy crap mom

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chapter 23 Alpha Ray pov I just gotten into my office and set down when i noticed i had a few emails i needed to look through, it was probably nothing new, a few alphas fighting over land, junk male and maybe a few alphas writing to me about their daughters, no thanks to that, i rather not, I want to find my mate not have a alphas daughter, i looked through them then i finally got to email about the Annual mating ball, Alpha Stephan is holding it this year at his territory, this could be lots of fun, but im so sick of going to those damn mating balls, i never find my mate, I have been everywhere looking for her, but it seems i have no mate for myself, i'll go this one last time but if i do not find her then i will pick a chosen mate, i bet these she wolves would go nuts if they knew i would want to pick one of them to be my chosen mate, i would have fun from time to time, i had needs as well, and so does these she wolves, i had to stop screwing around with them, because a few had tried to mark me as theirs, im like hell no, i will not be marked by anyone but my true mate, and i stand by that, if i decided to pick a chosen mate, she will still not mark me, but i will mark her, to make sure she knows who the hell she belongs to until at least she finds her true mate, then she can go on her merry little way so i decided to go, i wrote down a few words, and then clicked send, “yeah me and my pack are coming, see you there” i made a few calls signed some paperwork and decided i would watch my business from home, i had several business, i never had to be there, because i could do video calls, and phone conferences, i had a few clothes shops, and a few flower shops around the human town, some knew about us some did not, we are always careful, sometimes we even find our mates in the humans world, it's hard to explain to them what we truly are, so we have to slowly explain to our mate what we truly are little by little, maybe my mate is human, maybe i should go to the human side for now on, who knows but i am looking forward to the annual ball, maybe i can have a little fun with a few she wolves, Della pov it had been a week since i've been training then going to work, at first i thought my legs would fall off when they had me run sixy laps, then exercise, after a few days of that, they had me spar against one of them, i didn't know what the hell i was doing,Throne helped me she would tell me when to move out of the way,. and when to punch, but there are times she wouldn't help because i had to learn on my own, i had a day off today, so i trained hard, after training i went to take a shower dried off and got dressed in shorts and a pull over pink top, i set on the couch with my water, i set there relaxing when my mom called me on my cell, she said to get ready we where going shopping, sighing, do i have to go, “ she laughed and said yes, there is a annual mating ball and i needed to go,” “What the hell is an annual mating ball?” ”Just get ready, meet me outside on our way to the dress shop. I will explain it to you.” “Alright, i'm coming,’ i wasn’t going to get dressed up, i brushed my hair put it in a messy bun put my shoes on headed outside, i was halfway to my moms car when she came out of her house with her purse, she was ready to go, we got into the car and headed out, i still wasn't sure about the guards and this huge iron gate, “So are we going to go to the mall, or are we going to some place else?” “Goddess no, we are going to a shop that we own, we have many stores here, just because we are werewolves doesn't` mean we do not work, we helped build this town, besides we can spend all day here if you want, i know you probably still have many questions, and you were right Della, i have groomed you most your life by telling you the many stories of our kind, i should had known you might had a been a little upset but took it more better than i thought,” Della was just sitting there thinking listening to her mother babble on how good it is to be a werewolf, she still was not so sure about all this, yeah the hearing is better her eyes seem more clear, and she was much stronger now, but the shifting part, she still was not so sure of just yet. “Mom, when i was still trying to figure out everything i seen some pictures on the computer, i saw this man shift into a wolf, is it that painful and that weird looking?” it was her mom’s turn to think about what she just asked her, she drove for awhile then pulled over, “come on get out, let's go out in the woods, i'm going to show you, it's better to show you so you can watch for yourself then to explain it,” she was not so sure, she was thinking that her mom was just going to wolf out and kill her, but she thought well why not, she had to know what to suspect if she was going to do this, so she got out of the car with her mom, they walked into the woods far enough away from the road side so no one would be able to hear them or see them, the woods were so thick that she could not even see where the car was parked “Alright, so whatever you do just stand there okay, i know it will be hard at first, but you will be just fine i promise you will,” watching as her mom took her clothes off putting them to the side, she stood there with her eyes close, “Alright so nothing is happening, she was thinking that when she heard weird crunching noises at first. looking around she saw her mom fall then more of the crunching started. her jaw dropped at the sight of her mothers arms twitching and shifting in directions where they needed to be, then it was her legs that did the same, her head spurted out her face grew., she wanted to run but didn’t she wanted to stay there and watch this through, her mothers back broke then hunched to make room, fur started to grow all over her body, ears came up from her head, her nose grew into a dog nose, her tail was last, her mother was a Dark Brown wolf, she stood there looking at Della, wagging her tail, she slowly walked up to her sniffing her, circling her, then she lifted her head up and howled very loudly, Della had to cover her ears it was so loud, She stood there watching her mother walk around her, this was f*****g crazy, when she stood infront of her she shifted back to human getting dressed and told her to lets go we had shopping to do, When they got into the car, her mother started the car then drove off to the shops she had talked about, Della couldn’t believe what just happened, her mom Tally just shifted back and said come on we had some shopping to do, it was just nuts, she couldn’t hold her thoughts anymore, she blurted it out before she even knew she was saying it, “THAT WAS SO f*****g COOL, BUT SCARY AT THE SAME TIME!!” What was it like? did it hurt the first time you shifted. how does it feel to shift back?” her mother started laughing as she drove, she tried to answer all the questions she asked her, It’s like shifting into another, you see through her eyes smell what she smells, it feels a little weird, but i'm used to it honey, i am over four hundred years old, shifting doesn't hurt anymore,” ‘Wait, What, how old are you?” she saw her mother look at her in the corner of her eye, she knew she heard right, mom, did you just tell me that your are over four hundred years old?” her mother nodded yes, ‘Yes, yes, i am, your father is over six hundred, You see. werewolves age different then humans do, while humans age every year, we age every three hundred years, the alpha we had when we were younger before rogues attacked and killed him, he was two thousand years old, and he was still going strong until the attack, we were just not prepared enough, he didn't have a luna, to help him be stronger and help him take care of the pack, so he had to do it all on his own, he was a very strong man you see, but we didn't know we were being watched, all they wanted was to destroy everything we ever built and killed the very man that built it, we didn't even see them coming, they came out of the woods three at a time shifting into those nasty smelling things with those bitty red eyes those snarling long sharp fangs, all they wanted was to kill our alpha, once that was done, they destroyed the land and set a few of our houses on fire, they watched until they burnt down, then they ran back into those woods, once we scattered the alpha ashes, most decided to leave and move on to be packless, thats what we had decided, we where packless but not rogues, we had jobs a home and running water with food to eat, but once when we were back home here, we decided to move back to the pack, everyone came home once they knew we where back, they made your father alpha and i luna, well enough about the past, here we are, Della was listening to her mother talk about the past and what had happened she didnt realize they had parked. she looked around at this stores, “Do you own all these?” Tally nodded yes, “Yes we do, we have many stores with different kind of clothes for all people, come on lets get out and go into one, we need to find a dress for you to wear, you never know your mate just might be there waiting for you when the ball begins,
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