Is she talking to you now?

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chapter 22 Della pov When I went with my parents to their pack house it was a little weird, I wasn’t prepared to see what i saw, i was thinking i was going to see a lot of wolves running around sniffing trees chasing rabbits, but i didn't see that at all, what i saw was people gathering around talking, gardening, cleaning, even playing with kids, this place was like a huge family that lived here, i watched as men in amor walked across a huge land then walked right into the middle where they switched sides and did it again, that was weird why where they doing that, on the other side of the yard were people wrestling around, i saw people running and exercising, others were just standing around talking, this was insane and it was giving me a headache, i needed to take something for it, my dad took me to this hospital that was on the grounds, he asked the doctor to get a xray and blood to see if i had a wolf, we went into this room where i had to strip down and put a gown on, i really didn't feel that comfortable at all, my mom came walking into the room, i guess she could tell i wasn’t comfortable, “Honey it's going to be okay, i will go with you to do the xray but i have to stay outside the room, i know you are nervous, i will be right here ok, just calm your heartbeat, try to inhale count to three then exhale, there you go, do it again, count to three then exhale, there you go sweetheart do you feel better now?” “a little, i'm just not use to this, it seems everything is changing really fast and i don’t like change you know this mom,” ‘i know you don’t honey, but i promise you will be just fine,” just then the doctor came inside with a clipboard, “Are you ready honey?” ‘No, but let's get this over with, i want to find out as much as you do,.” they put her in a wheelchair and wheeled her to xray, an hour later i had my clothes back on sitting on the bed with my parents on either side of me, we where waiting on the results when the nurse and doctor walked into the room with a huge envelope in his hand, ‘I know you are waiting for the results so lets get this done., Kannie can you dim the lights please, he put the x rays on this light thing, he pointed to something weird that was inside of me, “You see Della, you do have a wolf she is full grown, she has been wanting to speak with you, but you have some kind of wall up, now if you want we can help you with that, if you don’t let that wall down, your wolf could die, that means you could as well,” i was really shocked what did he just say, my wolf could die and so could i, what the hell is going on, i was so not ready for this, i wasn't ready for this at all, ‘How the hell do i get this mental wall down, how do i talk to her, why did you wait so damn long to tell me any of this? i had to look everyone up to find out that i am a f*****g werewolf, Yeah. i know you thought i wasn’t ready yet, but i was, i was ready all along, you groomed me mom you told me all these stories and not realising that you was grooming me all along,” now she and I could die, did you even realise this could happen to me or to her?” i was so pissed off that my head started to pound, can someone give me some f*****g tablets so i can get rid of this f*****g headache, they all looked at each other then back at me, ‘What? What now? why are y'all looking at each other?” “Honey, that headache you are having when did that start, how long have you been getting that headache?” i had to think about how long and when, it started a few days ago, thats how long it has been, its been off and on, and now i feel like my head is about to explode it hurts mom,” they all looked at each other again then back at me, this pissed me off, “WELL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE f*****g BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME BEFORE MY f*****g HEAD EXPLODES!!!” I didn’t mean to scream but all this static in my head was so noisy that i couldn't handle it anymore, i fell off the table on my knees screaming for it to stop, my hands went to my head i didn't want it to pop off, my parents tried to comfort me but the doctor told them to stop let it happen, “its going to be painful for her because she's new at this, her wolf is trying to break down that wall, she is almost through it” I screamed bloody muder that i am sure that everyone outside was hearing me, i couldn't handle this anymore, i was fighting it, the more i fault it the better i felt i needed her back behind the wall, but i was losing the battle, my head felt like it was on fire, my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of its sockets, my mom couldn’t handle me screaming she ran to me to hold me in her arms, i screamed out in pain, and then it happened, after four hours of crying and pleading and suffering through the pain in my head, i felt a huge pop, i screamed out because it hurt my head so much that it made my nose bleed, my mom got some tissue to clean it up, she rocked me back in forth because i was crying, i did not like pain at all, and this wore me out, i fell on the floor like a little baby crying my eyes out, suddenly as the pain came, it was gone just like that, my head didnt feel like it was going to explode anymore i still had a small bloody nose, but it wasn’t as bad as it was earlier, then i heard it, i heard her voice, “Hello Della i am Throne, i am so sorry i caused you pain but i had to break down that wall, i do not want to die either so i knew i had to do what i needed to do,” I heard her voice for the first time, all i could do was look around the room in shock. my mom and dad with the doctor was watching me, it was my turn to look at them then nothing, it was my mother that spoke to me first, “Honey, are you okay is she talking to you now?” i nodded yes, “But, I don’t know how to talk to her, how do I do that, i am so f*****g confused right now, my mother smiled at me, “You talk to her in your head honey, no one will be able to hear you talk to her unless you want them to, just try it,” i was so confused right now, how the hell do i talk to her, i sighing, i thought i would give it a shot, hell what could happen, ‘Hi Thorne, my name is Della, its really nice to meet you,” i didn’t hear anything back, did i do it wrong” ‘“No, you did it right, sorry i was trying to listen to your mom and dads wolves, i'm here now, its very nice to meet you as well, we are going to have a lot of fun together, but we have to do a few things, we have to train to get you stronger. the reason for that, your next birthday you will shift into me, the more stronger you are the better off you will be, i will help you train and get stronger, but the others will help you learn how to fight, the pack will help you as well and so will i, your mother was a great warrior did she not tell you this, she was one of the top warriors, that's how her and your dad had met, we are a rare breed Della you and I, once when you shift, you will see why we are rare, You need to let your parents know on your twenty fourth birthday you will be shifting that's in five months am i correct?” “Yes you are correct, but how am I supposed to train, how do I train?” “let your parents know and they will show you, i promise everyone will help you including me” “OKay then, i will let them know even though im still no sure if i’m dreaming or if this is just a plan nightmare,” i looked at my parents, they had worried looks on their face because i wasn't saying anything to them “Thorne says, i have to start training because on my next birthday I am going to shift into her, and if its anything like the photos i saw with this photo shifting into a wolf, i don’t think i really want to do this,” “Honey, mom said, you will be fine, we get up every morning at five am to train, we train for five hours, and then we go on doing what we normally do after that, you can spend the night here tonight if you like, and if you want to move here, then we can move your things here and you will have your own place here, there are plenty of empty houses on the land behind the pack house,’ my jaw dropped, what the hell, alright as long as i can still go to work, i'm not quitting my job because im this so called werewolf, Mr Con counts on me being there every day at the same time on time, so let's get this started, i will move here, but don’t wolf out on me,” they started laughing at me when i said that, Honey, we do not wolf out, we go for runs and such but never wolf out, my dad had said while he was laughing at me,
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