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chapter 15 Carolin pov Tate and I were talking about his next visit to another pack, he was telling me that it will only take a day to decide if they want a treaty with them, he goes and looks around if anything seems off, like how the alpha treats his pack or if rogues are coming onto the land he has to find out how and how to stop it, then there's the deal about money, and protection, we have to protect them if things go bad, but we will see, i heard the link from Jannie, i sighed softly, but Tate thought it was about him, he pulled me close to him tightly, ‘Look, its only for a day i promise i will be back, and just think this time it's not because i'm avoiding you, i couldn't help but giggle as he softly kissed me i kissed him back, i did not want him to leave but i knew he had to, he did these things when the Alpha could not leave that meant he had to, same as Gamma Ava, if Tate could not do it then Ava would had to, he hugged me bye and told me again he would be back for me, after he had left i watched him drive out of the driveway and rode out, i shut the door and headed to Jannies room, this was the only place we could talk since if we linked each other others would think something is going on, the alpha is really strict, so we had to be careful about this, so when Jannie linked me i knew i needed to go to her room we where now sitting on the edge of the bed talking about how it happened, she was a little upset, but she was wanting Con, and had to challenge Jasmine for her title, but i knew Jasmine was a tough warrior, i seen her fight agaisnt others and she was a bad ass when it comes to fighting, i knew she would win if she was ever challenged, but i would never tell Jannie this Jannie spent her time inside trying to figure out how to ruin others lives, now ever since she had s*x with Con, that's all she thinks about, she is wanting Con once more, this will ruin Con and Jasmine all together, once they bed again it will be over and done with, when i told Jannie about my plan she thought i was crazy, Carolin, you won't be able to run, do you remember Richy and his mate, they wanted out they ran as far away as they thought they could, he gave them two years together, two years, one day when Richy came home when he walked into his house his mate was dead, there was a note on her, it said, ‘You can never hide, i will always know where you are,” “Yeah i remember, Richy came back and you see how bad he is, he has no feelings at all, he's just a killing machine,” “thats what he was wanting, any mate is killed either they die with them or they become more hateful more vicious than ever, now no one knows where he is,” Carolin, it doesn't matter anymore, we need to figure out how to hide this from him, you see once he finds out he is going to be wanting war against us, we will have no where to run, or hide,” Beta Tate pov I knew something was going on once she walked me to the door, it's like she was rushing me out the door so she could go see or talk to someone, that's fine, i will find out what is wrong later on, Con and I know there are spies in the pack, we just can’t figure out who they are and what they are wanting, if it’s my mate i dont care if she is, i will torture the b***h until she tells me everything, i will always get a second chance if the moon goddess thinks i deserve one, i headed toward the pack, it was only three hours away, im hoping to get this done early that way i can get back home, im getting tired of going to pack to pack some of these alphas had no clue what the hell they are doing, im sick of it, and all i want to do is be with my mate now, she has one more month and she will be twentyfive then she will know we are mates then we will mate, i am the one that keeps holding it off, but to be honest its getting harder and harder to not to, i want her as bad as she wants me, maybe when i see her tomorrow i will know for sure if i want to keep holding off, I just hope she's not the spy, i will have to kill her, i will have a chat with the alpha once im back, Con pov Once we left the office i felt someone watching us i turned and saw no one, Tate and I have been talking about spies being inside the pack, i knew an alpha the keeps wanting to take over, once he said my father took something from him, he never told me what it was, but he is determined to get my pack, i will have to call the queen to discuss this with her, when dinner was done, i told Jasmine i was going to make a phone call if she wanted to go for a run she could i will be waiting for her to come back to me, she kissed my cheek and told me she would be back in a few hours, that Mondo wanted to hunt, i nodded and watched her walk into the woods she shifted into Mondo running off. turned and walked into my office, i set down and clicked send, i heard her voice the queen, i haven't heard her voice since the last annual mating ball Con, i haven't heard from you since the mating ball, how are things going, is your pack getting ready for the one thats coming up Stephan is holding it this year, i hope you are ready,” s**t i thought to myself, i have forgotten all about the f*****g mating ball, after i get off the phone i will have to link every single unmated to let them know about the ball thats coming up, s**t, “My pack will be there my queen, but i was wanting to let you know i have spies in my pack, i think the alpha that is trying to take over put them here, im not sure who it is yet, but i know they are here,” Hayley the queen pov before Con called me i knew all about what was going on i had my own spy in there he was in there long enough to tell me what had happened and what is going on now, i usually do that when the alpha doesn't tell me anything now he is back home and no one knows anything, i listened to Con, he was always strict and always thought that no matter what happens his members were always right no matter if he had a luna or not, that is part of being a good alpha, but the other half is to listen to his mate and be on her side, i also know he had kicked her out was unfaithful to her and brought her back, she's been trying to find herself now, i don't blame her, my thoughts got interrupted when he kept talking, “So my queen, when it gets down to it, if we go to war, can i kill him?” well i guess this is my part to give him permission, but first im going to rip him another ass hole for doing what he did, “First young man, i know everything that has been going on in that pack, i also know how Jasmine was and she had all the right to be the way she was, you was unfaithful while she was gone and you brought her back to the pack with that skank still there, i also know you are still taking up for your members, but you forgot one thing you must always do Con, Your luna must always come first, if she does not come first in your eyes then you must let her go, i will grant her the rejection and i will make you accept it is that clear?” I waited for his answer, i bet he didn't think i knew anything that was going on, well i know everything even if i have to put a spy in the pack for just a little while, i waited for him to talk once more, when he did he was a little shaken, i guess i was using my royal Queen tone, that no alpha could overthrow, I told him if he doesn't get his s**t together i will make him step his ass down and i will have another one up in that pack and will make Alpha
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