I didn't know

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chapter 16 Con pov I never thought that Hayley knew anything about what had happened, i never wanted to call her to tell her because i knew what would happened, instead she knew already and tore me a new asshole, she threaten to take my pack away, i knew i needed to get my s**t together, Yes my queen i completely understand i am so very sorry i did not tell you what was going on, i just wanted to figure out things on my own, and see if i could fix it myself” “Well did you fix it, did you make Jasmine know you will put her first, i don’t think you have, you have until next year to make it known to her that she will come first, your pack second, and if that Skank challenges Jasmine, make it known its til death not just a beat down, and i have my cards on Jasmine beating the hell out of her, and futher more, if the main alpha challenges you to a war, if you can kill him you may, that's how wars end Con, one or the other dies, so make sure that he is dead and gone, I will deal with his pack afterwards is that clear Alpha Con, she said that last part as a demand and i had no choice but to obey her, i did not want to lose my pack, i had no choice, ‘Yes my queen i do understand, i will make it known to her that she will be put first, my pack second, but if i will protect my pack like i have for many years my queen, but Jasmine will have the right to be first, this i promise,” i hope she thinks i will go by what i just said, because if she doesn’t i will lose this pack and then loose everything that i had built here, ‘Very well Con we will see you next month at the annual mating ball with your unmated members, and like always your mated ones can also come, its a dance they are all allowed to have fun,” ‘Yes Ma’am. i will let them know,” we hung the phone up and i had to link every single member to let them know to meet me in the meeting hall, It has been an hour now, Jasmine should be on her way back from hunting with Mondo, Jasmine pov I couldn’t help it, i had to run onto his land there was just something about him, not in a sexaul way not yet anyway, i just do not feel the love from Con, if i was truly his mate he would had never done what he did knowing full well i would feel the pain, i came between the two trees and there he was standing there waiting for me with a smile on his face, he had a sundress for me, i shifted and put it on, we walked toward his pool and set down, he handed me a glass of sweet tea that was still a little warm, he knew how i liked it, with a bit of honey, we set there in silence for a while. it was him that spoke first, “Jasmine, how is it at your home? has it gotten any better at all?” i didn’t really want to talk about what has been going on, i really wanted to just sit there and injoy the quite, there was no females glaring at me or wanting to fight me, there was no screaming or yelling there was just this, it felt so peaceful, but i knew he was waiting for an answer, “yeah, i guess so we had talked and he made it known he only wanted me, i told him not to say anything to her, because i have a feeling that she will be challenging me real soon, i just might pretend to lose so i could leave, im just not so sure what i really want to do right now” “well, if you decide to stay with him, then stay, but if you want to come here you are more then welcome, everyone here knows of you that is the reason why the guards never stop you from coming, they know you are a guest any time you come here, i trust you Jasmine, you are always welcome here,” i couldn't help but smile but then i couldn't help but wonder why he was so nice to me, i know he is not my second chance, or i could had felt the sparks between us when he would touch my hand, i never asked him, i don't think i want to know, i know i needed to stop coming here, but i felt so at peace when i did, i finished my tea and got up, ‘Thank you for letting me come here today, i really needed the time to myself, i will think about your offer,” he nodded and watched her head toward the woods, taking off the sundress shifted into Mondo, she had an hour left so she hurried back to the pack house, Mondo kept talking to me, telling me she did not trust that man, he might be nice but there is something about him that she could not put her paw on, she seemed to growl everytime we would go to his pack, it seems to me she did not like him because he was not our mate, But i always go by what she says, there was something, something i couldn't put my hand on, he was always so nice and always wanting me to come to his pack to live, maybe my wolf is right, i need to stay away, Mondo Jasmines wolf pov i have tried to tell her not to go to this mans pack house, but once he starts talking she listens and smiles, i understand that she does not get the attention from Con like she should, but this man wants more from her, he has blocked his wolf from talking to me, he is using something so i can’t even feel him, time and time again i have tried, but nothing all i get is a headache, hes a very smart man, this is the last time im going to warn her, Jasmine, i do not trust him we need to stay away from him, there is just something i can not put my paw on, i felt her thinking long and hard, and i am hoping she listens to me, finally she spoke to me, “Your right, i do not need to go back there, he is nice, but i feel its odd that he wants me to come live with him in the house, i just feel that i need to speak with Con about how i feel, if he can not understand, then i guess i will move into another room, this is my pack, now my home, we made it home on time, i noticed that many members were heading into the meeting hall, what the hell is going on, was there attack on the pack, i left Jasmine shift back putting her clothes back on, she rushed into the meeting hall worried and wondering where Con was, she saw Ava beside him she rushed over and stood beside him, she whispered to Ava, “What happened? was there an attack? she shook her head no, “its the annual mating ball that is being held at your old pack house, Jasmine looked at Ava they had came a long way, she finally told Ava that she was sorry for accusing her of sleeping with Con, she was just jealous, she admitted that to her, they talked for awhile and they made up, now they just smile at each other and sometimes talk, they are friendly to each other, so yeah that is a start right, i stood there with Jasmine of course while Con did the speech about the annual mating ball, that the unmated and the mated will go, the queen wants it as that, that way the mated can have some fun as well, i thought that was a good idea, i wondered what packs would be there, when the speech ended Con put his arm around my waist, telling the pack that we would be there as well watching and making sure that the pack will behave theirselfs, after the meeting was over, everyone left to start arranging what they would wear, i already know how the unmated would wear, but i know there are a lot of mated that will not go, they think why go when they have their mate right there with them, i for one want to go because i want to see the unmated find their mates, Con lead me off the stage into his office, he sniffed and growled at me, “Who the f**k have you been with and how long has this been happening?” i was stunned, how dare he accuse me of being unfaithful, he walked over locking the office door, making sure no one would come right into what he is about to do
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