Lucie you are my mate

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chapter 34 Tschappat pov I was standing at this gate for two nights in a row i was leaning on the post trying not to fall asleep, my mind kept racing back and forth should i tell this woman, or not, Lucie is only 100 years old, i am only 200, i had stopped going to these balls years ago because i couldn't find my mate i had given up, but lately my wolf had been going nuts every time Lucie walked by me, i knew we are mates, but i'm thinking she doesn’t know since she hasn't even looked at me, maybe she needs to be closer to me, i wondered if she has shifted, i need to see because if she hasn't then when i am near her it will only take a few minutes, my shifted ended after a few hours, and i was exhausted, but i needed to get to Lucie, i linked Alpha Smith asking him if Lucie is still up, it took a few minutes when he answered me, “yeah she is still up, but she is heading up to her room right now, why what's going on Tschappat?” “if i am right and i hope i am, we are mates, i just need to be close enough to her so she could scent me and shift,” “then get your ass in here Tschappat,” “yes sir, on my way sir,” i hurried to the pack house my wolf howling yelling at me to hurry my ass home, damn will you hold on, she will be awake just hold on to your purse for a second,” i made it to the pack house alpha Smith pointed to the stairs, i needed no permission, i ran up the steps three at a damn time to catch up to Lucie she was opening her bedroom door when i yelled her name, “Lucie, hold on i need to talk to you,”i saw her tense up took a few sniffs then slowly turned around to look at me, we both started walking toward each other, we met in the middle of the hallway, she had to look up to look at me, her eyes huge, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “i was hoping you would notice, but instead you went to the ball,” “I knew i smelled the scent, i just wasn't sure it was you, but you knew all a long, well you are here now, thank you for not rejecting me for going to the mating ball,” “Why the hell would I reject you, you did nothing wrong, you just wanted to find your mate, and you found him, and that is me,” pulling her close to me, “where is your room i had asked her?” moving out of my arms holding my hand she lead me to her room, opening the door walking inside turning closing and locking the door behind her, I again held her in my arms, “I am so glad you are home safe, now that we are in here first thing is first, mate mine, i grabbed her smelling her scent it was so strong, melons and berries, i leaned forward, licking her marking spot, biting down to mark my mate, she did the same to me after i was done, then she let go of me, mate mine she said to me, she had tears in her eyes, “Why are you crying?” “These are happy tears Tschappat that's all, i have been looking for you for half my life,” “well now that we have each other we will never be alone again, i had stopped going to those balls years ago, i knew sooner or later i would had found my mate,” “well we are not mating tonight mister, you stink, you need a shower,” i couldn't help but laugh, ‘Well can i take a shower in here,” she nodded smiling go right on ahead, i'm going to change im exhausted, when you’re done showering just climb into bed with me,” i nodded hurring into the shower, i showered dried off putting my boxers back on, walked out of the bathroom she was already in bed laying down fast a sleep, i gently got into bed with her, i had the next few days off so i will be spending my time with her, i laid beside her spooning her my arms around her to pull her even closer to me, i just could not believe the moon goddess made her my mate, i have always liked her i even loved her even though i did not know we were mates just yet, but i have always loved her, and now i can love her even more, Jasmine pov i woke up with the sun shining on my face with the birds chirping at the window, i love the early morning of the early bird singing, i didn’t feel Ryan beside me, i knew he was probably in his office working, i got out of bed took a shower and got dressed, i didn't have many clothes here, i left everything at Tates pack, when i start earning my keep around here, i will go and get more clothes, i had enough for a few months, im good right now, fixing my hair in a high ponytail, i grabbed a pair of jeans a pull over blue shirt putting them on, i slid on my shoes., then headed downstairs to see where he was at, he showed me where his office was at. it was easy to find with the door wide open, he had people in there talking, i was turning to leave i was going to walk around to find my way around the house but Ryan looked over at me smiling, “Jasmine, Don’t go, come inside, i would like for you to meet some people.” Walking into the office standing beside Ryan my mate, i figured that what i was supposed to do since i did this with Con, but not with Ryan, he pulled me gently onto his lap, ‘Jasmine, these are my friends, This is Fire, and his mate Jodie, we have been friends since we were just pups, we trained together and went to the kingdom to train to be alphas,” I stood from his lap to shake their hands, then walked back to sit back down on his lap, “It’s very nice to meet the both of you,” “It's nice to meet you as well Jasmine, I have heard so much about over the past few weeks, Ryan had told me he had found his mate, we came to meet you to see who stole our friends heart.” Jodie had said” Blushing i looked over at Ryan, “Well he kept it from me because i had another mate at the time, he hid his wolf so his wolf couldn't tell mine,at the ball i finally had the friends i needed to help me reject my ex mate, but when i smelled him i slowly walked over because i didn't know it was him at the time until he turned around to look at me and looked right into my eyes, to tell you the truth, i am happy he is my mate, i feel honoured that the goddess gave him to me,” Ryan looked up at me with happiness in his eyes, “Jasmine, i am the lucky one here,” he held me close as Fire and Jodi looked on with smiles on their faces, “I am sure your ex mate regrets ever treating you the way he had treated you, i have heard of Con, he has never been a good man, he has tricked stole and killed many good people, that is just the beginning of what he has done, since he has been stripped from his title everything is coming out in the open now,” Fire has said,the subject was changed to Jasmine’s luna ceremony, Ryan said it was tomorrow, Jodi asked Jasmine if she had her ceremony dress just yet, she shook her head no, i didn't know it was tomorrow, Ryan chuckled at her, its okay, love im sure Jodi will take you shopping,” “Well i for one likes to online shop, it beats the lines in the stores., there isn’t much walking and bumping into people,” Jodie had said,” “I agree, i never liked the malls, i rather on line shop,”

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