Con what did you do,

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chapter 33, Con pov Morning came in i knew i needed to get up to get this s**t happening, since i did not accept Jasmines rejection, i felt her mating with her mate, this was painful, it felt like knives stabbing into your chest and stomach, it went on for a few hours then stopped, it made me wonder if this is what she felt when i did this to her, right now i didn’t give a s**t, i'm glad i did it, that w***e Jannie will get her’s as well, right now i need to form a small pack, get them strong and get them hating them, we will first go after my old pack, when i'm done with that, we will go after Jasmine in her mate Ryan, then i will set a plan to get rid of Hayley in William, i honestly don't think we need a king and queen, but i can't do anything still laying on this hard ass bed, i got up and got dressed i still did not have any shoes, i'm going to need to get shoes somehow, i walked outside the sun was high in the sky, while i started walking, i felt homeless without shoes, i walked into a shoe store and grabbed a pair no one saw me, they were all busy, i ran until i knew i was far enough away, i put the shoes on wishing i had a pair of socks to go with them, damn, i decided to go job hunting, i could be a busboy, or a cook who knows, i found a job as a busboy i start tomorrow, i saw a few sexy ass waitresses, they were looking right at me smiling, i knew i needed to find more clothes i went out into the woods looking up in the trees, by the fifth tree i looking into i found another pair of jeans and a shirt, no socks just yet, i’ll have to buy some on my payday, i took the clothes and headed back to the hotel room, when i got there, one of the girls from the restruant i went to was there, i wondered if she had a room here, i walked up to her, “Hey, what are you doing here?” “I was waiting for you, care to let me in your room so we could talk,” this was strange. a woman coming to me wanting to talk, so i shrugged and let her inside my room, she walked inside sitting in a chair by the table, “ i know you are rogue, why are you here looking for a job, don’t lie to me, “now how the hell did you know i was rogue, i'm here to work and form my own small pack, is that a problem with you,” shaking her head standing up, she walked over to me, “i just know rogues cause problems, and i don't like problems, i have known about your kind for a long time now and i know a rogue when i see one,” I did not like this woman, and i wanted her to leave but i had a feeling she would not leave my room, So i did the next best thing, i attacked her, i ran at her grabbed her pushing her against the wall, the fear in her eyes said it all, she didn't think i would do this, i smashed my body up against her leaning into her inhaling her scent, she smelled so good, my wolf Rocky was growling, “Do not do this Con, if you mark her you will regret this, she is not our mate,” he did not listen to him, he sunk his fangs into her neck, she screamed out punching him in the back as hard as she could, tears were coming down her eyes pleading to him she wouldn't tell anyone to please just let her go,” when he was done marking her, he stood back, “b***h please, i'm not going to do anything to you, i only just marked you, you fool, you belong to me now, i will know your thoughts, i will know anything that you do, and if i chose to, i will mate with you,” oh and did i tell you, you will turned like me on the night of the full moon,” Spring grabbed her neck she felt blood on her shoulder, she looked at him with anger in her eyes, i do not belong to anyone not you nor anyone else for that matter, it doesn't matter if you had marked me it is my decision whether i want to be with you, and i chose not to, i know how to do the things werewolves do, you see, my mate was a werewolf and he got killed by a rogue, you ass hole, I Spring rejects…before she could say those words, i punched her in the face knocking her out cold, she was falling on the ground i grabbed her putting her on the bed, he had a idea he leaned biting her again, this time letting some of his blood leak inside her veins, he had heard the queen in his head, “Con, what the hell are you doing? you know this is against the rules” he smirked knowing she could see it, then spoke to her, “Queen Hayley, i do not give a f**k about the rules, you took me from my alpha throne and took my mate away from me, so f**k you in the king, i will make my own kingdom,and she is the first, she will be my mate,. she will do what i say and do what needs to be done” “Con, you know you will pay for this, you will die for this,” “Bring it b***h, i will be waiting, you will die before i die,” the link ended i knew full well she would hunt me down or have others hunt me down and try to have me destroyed, the most important rule in the werewolf world, do not turn any human unless they give you permission or if they are on their deathbed, or if they are your mate and wants to be turned, you can not turn a human on your own, they could go rogue and kill others, i really could care less about what others say or what the rules are, im playing by my own rules now, Smith pov it is the second night of the mating ball, More packs were here to see if they could find their mates, it's hard for the young ones, because some have not shifted yet and they could not smell their mates but their mates can smell them, so once shifted they will know for sure, sometimes when their mate finds them it just takes a matter of a few minutes or an hour for them to shift, when i found Cindy she could not smell my scent but i smelled her, when i walked over to her and held her saying mate mine, it took only a few seconds for her wolf to come out and shift into her, she is a beautiful Red wolf, she says her wolfs name is Brandy like the drinking Brandy, i thought that was pretty cool that her name was Brandy when she shifted back to her human that is when she smelled my scent grabbing me toward her saying mate mine, i knew the other that i had was pissed off, she challenged Cindy, and Cindy won, even though if she would had lost i still would not had picked her, Cindy is my mate, and it will stay that way until the day i die or she dies, i rather her live a long peaceful life, Now we are here on the second night at the mating ball watching our pack hoping they would find their mates, i knew Jasmine and the rest of them had, and they are now gone back home or to their mates home, i watched as the last of my pack had found their mates, one was Lucie, she was a young wolf, she was over 100 years old so she’s pretty young, that is young in wolf years, to you humans she is only 18 years old, in wolf years shes 100, We where watching her since she was the last one not to have a mate, Cindy walked over to her putting her arm around her to comfort her, “Lucie honey, its always tomorrow the last night of the ball, if you don't find him then, its always next year.” i saw her comfort her pack member, it's going to be okay sweetheart” “Luna Cindy, I don't think i am meant to have a mate, can we just go home now, i will be alright, i can live without a mate,” Cindy looked over at me I nodded i heard the conversation, i felt sorry for Lucie, i did not want her to be here if she didn't want to be here anymore, “that is fine honey, if your ready to go we will go, she took her by the hand, i met them in the middle, “are we ready to head out?” they both nodded, at me, “Alright, let's get going then, i want to get back to the pack to meet the new members, we headed out i linked the queen and king to tell them we were leaving i will see them next year,” William replied telling me to be safe and they will see us soon,” I knew it was hard for this little one, year after year she had not found him, maybe he was just not born just yet or he could be a human or a werebear or a werecat, it could happen, we headed home for the night, i kept looking back at Lucie, i saw a few tears coming down her face, i knew she was upset, i was hoping she would had found him tonight, but she didn’t we made it home a few hours later, the guards were opening up the gate, Tschappat was opening the gate up we drove through it, nodding at Tschappat asking him how the night was going, “Hey man how was the night going we came back a day early, i knew Tschappat was mateless as well, but he just did not want to go, he had rather stayed here, “Everything was smooth and quite, nothing exciting happened Alpha,” “Good, good, that's how i like it, we are heading up to the pack house, when your shift is over go get your rest,” he nodded as we drove away,
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