Chapter 4 Ella's POV

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" Caleb Kingsman, New Yorks playboy, is at it again as he spends three days on a yacht with not one but two women and not one of them is New Yorks angelic heart throb Ellianna. We thought maybe she had saddled the young stallion. Obviously not. I mean the pictures coming off that boat can not be questioned as to what was happening, and one of the women was Larna Wialliams, who was right there with him, participating in what could only be described as a three-day orgy bender. Is one of the girls, you'll have to be quick to see this story. No doubt both families will have all traces of this ripped from the media within minutes ". The news anchors' words were very loud and clear in the room. It was like they echoed as he said them just to make sure they were heard. Then some pictures started flashing up on the screen, and I could only guess these were the more decent ones. But they were bad enough. Lorna and the other girl kissed while he watched on with greedy, hungry eyes. And an expression on his face I had never seen before. His eyes looked weird, his pupils were large. Then one of Lorna straddling him, kissing him, while the other girl kissed his neck. A few more flashed on the screen, where some items of clothing had been removed. But they were where you couldn't see much. I am guessing they couldn't put the more indecent ones on being it's the news. They most likely had rules about nude pics. But what you could see was enough to know what had happened. Work, he said he had been working for three days. But he had been on a yacht having orgys. I looked down to see he had moved, but my legs were still very wide open. I quickly snapped them shut. He was sitting up and watching the TV grimacing from what I could see of his face. I scrambled to sit up and pulled the quilt covers to cover my nudity. " F*ck Tanner is going to kill me" he groaned as the news anchor switched to another story. That was it ? That was what he had to say. The first thing that comes to his mind is what his uncle has to say. What about f*cking me the girl laid in his bed naked ? I felt tears start to sting my eyes as the whole situation started to dawn on me. I had started falling for this boy, maybe I already had. I was just about to let him be my first. " Caleb" I called his name. My voice cracked. He turned to look back at me, his expression bored. " What ? " he asked , what ? what ? He asked it so careless. He stood up butt naked, went to his drawer and pulled a packet of cigarettes out and lit one. " Caleb, you've cheated on me and lied to me. What do you mean? What. My name was on the news, you've humiliated me. All the headlines will be you cheating on me tomorrow" I sounded hysterical, but he looked at me like I was out of my mind. " Cheated on you ? Babe, that would mean we were in a relationship. " He smirked then took a drag. I had never seen him smoke. I am confused now. We were together all the dates and words he had said to me. The fact we were just about to have s*x. He must have seen from my expression that was what I thought, that we were in a relationship, because he laughed. " I never said we were, you just assumed. I mean, come on, me settle for you. You are beautiful and all with this sweet and innocent demeanor, and every guy in New York was after you. So I thought I would get there first. See if I could do what the others were failing to do, plus with the app your dad built, I thought you'd be kinky. Down for whatever, imagine my surprise to find out you were a virgin. I mean at your age too, it was kind of a let-down. At first, I thought you were playing coy and it was all an act, but then I thought it would actually be a challenge to be the one to break in the angel of New York and dirty her up" he spoke to me like I had never heard him speak. And each toxic word that spilled from his mouth was like a slice of a knife against my skin. He was so insensitive, so cruel. Where had this Caleb been hiding ? I opened my mouth to speak to him, but I honestly didn't know what to say back to him. "Actually, I have you to thank for my three days of pure pleasure. Lorna and I have always hooked up, but she has always been so prudish. Turns out, because I was seeing you and she assumed the same about you as everyone else does about your family, she thought that was what I wanted. Orgys and kink. She thinks if she showed me she would be willing to do those things, I would finally settle down with her. She even hired that girl to come onto the boat with us. I never knew she had it in her" he grinned as he added another cut, this one was deep. He went to the window and flicked his cigarette out, while I still sat frozen. When he turned back around, I must still look dumbfounded. He rolled his eyes. " Ella, just incase you are not getting it. I am a New York's playboy, my family's disappointment and the one they have to cover for. I like girls and parties and s*x, lots of it. So we can carry on where we left off" his words dragged out and he gestured with his hand to the bed, and I flinched at their meaning. " Like hell I would sleep with you now , I mean I don't even know who you are. This isn't the boy I have been dating " I snapped at him, finally finding my voice. He smirked "I thought so. It looks like I will have to pay up. When I told some of the guys you were a virgin, they made me a bet I wouldn't be able to pop it. I mean they all thought the same as everyone else. The angelic new face of New York was an undercover kinky b***h, the press actually have you pegged right though. If we are not f*cking you can leave, I will no doubt have my uncle on the phone soon chewing me out. So . . . " He looked at the door. Dismissing me. Anger ran through me as well as hurt. Tears started spilling from my eyes and pouring down my cheeks like a river. I felt mortified as I climbed from his bed naked and started picking up my clothing. I felt dirty and disgusting just being near him, and the fact I could feel his eyes roaming my body even now made me want to vomit. Holding my clothes in front of me like a shield, I turned to look at him. " You are a disgusting heartless pig, Caleb Kingsman ", I snapped, before rushing out of his bedroom and into his living room. I quickly put my clothes on and as I turned to leave I saw the romantic set up on his balcony still. Which made my heart hurt even more. I had started falling for someone that didn't exist, a phony, a fake and a conman. That was what he was. I had no doubt these last few months I had gotten to know the Caleb that was presented to the public , presented to girls before he gets what he wants. But behind closed doors, and after he has gotten what he wants, then this Caleb comes out, the real one. Rushing from his building, looking no doubt a mess. I did not expect to run into the press, but they must have been waiting. Rushing there once that news story had broken out to get their pictures. Did they know I had been there too ? Or was I just bonus pictures ? Because as soon as they saw me it was like the excitement ramped up, they started throwing question after question at me as they snapped pictures of me looking like a broken mess. " Have you just found out ? " " How does it feel to be cheated on ? " " Did you know Caleb had orgys ? Do you join in on them too ? " I pushed my way through as flashes went off all around me, and as I ran down the street a familiar car pulled up. The window rolled down, and I saw my father's angry face. As he looked passed me into the mob of vultures. When his eyes slid towards me, though they softened with sympathy," Get in Ella Bella" and that was all it took for the last dam to break down. I got in the car and sobbed, what a cruel world to be in, this one that money had thrust us into. It only got worse though.
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