Chapter 3 Ella's POV

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I tried to speak to mum the morning after that night. I had wanted to tell her what Caleb had said about that group of women. But she kept brushing me off. Acting like she had no idea what I was trying to talk to her about. It was infuriating. I wanted to tell Dad , but Dad would be fuming and that woman had said Dad was working with her husband. So , I had thought maybe I shouldn't. Dad worshiped my mum. Yes, maybe he got a little annoyed at times with her when she acted all materialistic. But Mum had been Dad's first love , he described her as his angel from the day he met her. He said he had never seen a more beautiful woman. I looked a lot like Mum. Dad often joked he had no part in the making of me and I was the copy and paste of Mum. The only difference really was our eye colour. Mum's were blue, mine were green like dad's and I was a little taller than Mum. Dad also said he was the reason she was a spoiled princess , he made her that way with all the lavish gifts and promises he would give her the world. I wouldn't blame it all on him. My Grandma and grandad also spoiled Mum, given Mum had actually had an older sister and her sister had sadly passed away at just a few days old. A year and a half later, Mum was born and they over compensated with Mum, I think. Wrapped her up in bubble wrap and spoiled her rotten. It was a good job that she had a beautiful heart or Mum no doubt would just be as evil as those women had been the night before. It was cute how cute my parents were together. I think that was why I wanted to wait and make sure I had the right guy. I wanted what they had. A bit less spoiled princess stuff going off though. That was also what me and Mum were different with. I was like Dad for that. Materialistic things were not important to me. So, in the end , I didn't tell Dad. What if Dad kicked off to protect Mum , or had a word with the husband about his wife and then word got out. Or the husband black listed Dad as unprofessional. And Mum had seemed to just want to forget it. Or at least I had thought. Later that same night, I heard Mum and Dad talking. They were cuddled up on the sofa, and I was in the office next door. The doors were open. " Gordon ? " My Mum's small voice had said. Dad had hummed, most likely engrossed with whatever was quietly playing on the TV. " Gordon, now that, that app has served its purpose and got us here, and you are doing other work for companies which earns you lots of money. Why not sell that app off" I heard the hesitation in her voice. My heart broke for her, Mum just wanted to fit in and have her lavish dream. "Tanya, why would you suggest that ? The site and app are still our bread and butter, and they are raking in more money than I could imagine it ever would have three years on it's popularity has not dropped" Dad sounded confused. I felt terrible about eavesdropping. "I know it is Gordon, but you are getting a lot of respectable work now that pays you greatly. Maybe, maybe it would bring you more of that type of business if you were not linked to a site that is purely for people to meet well, for you know" she answered him back. " Tanya, that project was my baby. The thing I worked so hard on and those respectable companies must have gone on to check it out because they've been hiring me off the back of that site and app. No, I won't sell it. For someone else to get hold of it and mess up all of my work or to take credit for what I created. No way Tanya. I know you've never liked it but for you to suggest me selling it. After I worked so hard on it, and it has gotten you everything you wanted is ludicrous ", my Dad sounded angry. I heard shuffling, and my Mum called his name, and then he walked past the office. He looked inside the office and saw me there. My expression would have been clear what I heard. " Come on Ella Bella, we have some work to do for tomorrow ", he smiled tightly and stepped into the office, closing the door. I had been working on our joint project already to give Dad some time with Mum. But now it looked like he wanted to be nowhere near her. I didn't try to talk about it and just dived into work with him. After that, Mum didn't ask Dad again, as far as I knew. That was six months ago, and the site is still booming. People literally stay with the site and subscriptions don't drop off after the first month or so. We still kept getting invited to places and once Caleb and I started getting pictured more, it just intensified. And I learned apparently he was from THEEE family in New york. Not that I cared what family he was from, I was having the best time on our dates. He was funny and charming. And my heart was an i***t, it attached prematurely to that guy. Ergghhh stupid thing. I had heard little snippets of gossip that he was a player and New York's biggest serial dater. But I thought it was more horrible gossip and when I used to ask. He used to say yes he had dated, or some pictures in the press were just him leaving a club and a woman would fling themselves into his arms. Just so they could be snapped with him, he had confided in me, that he hated it. Hated the name tag they slapped on him and had been waiting for a girl to see past it and give him a real chance. I had understood that, seeing as I had things falsely said about me and the fact I was naive. I had spent nights at his, but something had held me back from going the full way. I mean we did other things. And he at first said he was cool with waiting for that. He couldn't believe I had never done it. But this one time he got mad and quickly covered up his anger that I wouldn't, and I think that held me back more. I had tried to think we were pretty heavy and heated at that point, and maybe it was just frustration that made him snap. Then, after the first few months of us being full on with each other and always out and about, and him being so attentive to me. He just seemed to disappear from me for a few days. I would call and text him, and he would get back to me days later. It was confusing. He had told me after the first two months he had feelings for me. That weekend he had whisked me away on a weekend trip. That was where he had gotten mad, on our trip to a discrete cabin near a beautiful lake. I had a fleeting thought of suspicion that night, that his admission and the trip was a ploy. Why else would he get mad ? But after he calmed down he had said he was just so into me that I got him all riled up, he felt a little deflated that he was trying to prove he was trustworthy enough to be the one for me. So it played into my thoughts that he was just frustrated. How had I been so dumb ? After three or four months of him doing the whole slowly distancing thing. And then picking me up and being super charming and attentive, I felt like I was getting whiplash. Because at events and in public he was the Caleb I first met. He had even stuck up for me once when that retched Larna had made a comment at a gala event. But then he would disappear. It was a whole fiasco and I just kept letting it happen. One night, I had been staying over at his, he had called me after a three-day silent patch. I had gone over, and he had set up a romantic meal on his balcony, candles and soft music. And he was amazing. " Where have you been, Caleb ? " I asked over the top of my wine glass. He had been looking out at the view, buildings and lights. His apartment was high up and at that moment the sun had been setting for the day as night fell. The buildings had looked like silhouette shadows against its backdrop, and he had looked like a god against it too. With his chiseled face. He was definitely the sexy boy next door. " Busy with work baby, I've told you before, my family can be very demanding. My Uncle, he's a real as*hole. If we don't pull our weight he cuts us out. He acts like the business has always been his and he built it. My grandfather built that company, and, sure yea, he has made it triple in business since he took over, but that doesn't give him the right to act like he is god. The pr*ck is only five years older than me. He's thrifty two but acts like he is fifty" he huffs. It isn't the first time I have heard him talk of this uncle like this. He had said his uncle's name before. Tanner Kingsman. He had sneered at it like dirt, and it was clear he disliked him. Besides his uncle, he never really talks about his family. I tried to get him to talk about them, but he wouldn't. He would clam up. Get all cagey and stuff. So I had given up, weird too, even at all the events that I am sure the wealthiest family in New York would be attending. He never took me over to anyone to introduce me. And no one ever came over to him. Anyway, that night we had been fooling around. His hands had been gliding down my body and with the wine and the romantic meal and mood of the evening, once he snapped out of his uncle-hating mood, it had been perfect. We had laughed and talked, and I was feeling maybe, maybe I could trust him. We were on his bed, the lights were dimmed low, and he had stripped me naked. His lips were making a slow descent down my body, and I was forcing myself to let it happen. To just relax. This was another thing I was funny about; oral s*x. I would happily do it for him, and he had done it for me, but I had been tense. It was just so. . . Intimate. It made me feel it should be done with people that love each other. I know weird, the fact I would gladly do him. I don't know, I guess I was shy. He looked up at me with hooded eyes and I smiled and nodded. I wanted to do this, it was time. It was time to go all the way. He grinned up at me a devilish cheeky smile. He always looked so angelic. The first swipe of his tongue down there had my back arching and my hands lashing out. That was when I had accidentally knocked the TV remote off of the night stand and the TV had turned on. He carried on, his tongue swiped at me rapidly, and it had me panting and moaning, I had actually been enjoying it, actually completely into it. I didn't pay no mind to the TV on his wall being on to start with. I was too busy moaning and moving my hand down to hold his head just there ...... ammmmazinng. Until I heard his name, it had been loud and clear. And I had frozen at what was being said after his name was announced.
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