The Missed time part 30: The four years

3985 Words

“4 years. You are meaning we are in 2021 o great time keeper. How could that possibly be?” says Darr as his voice is unheard from inside the black warrior. The watcher whose ears had only reached Darr’s words replies “Yes o great commando.Didn’t your son tell you that before?” “Yes Bullseye told about him time keeper. But what is a memory to do with the peril we are in. Does it aid the solution?” asks Darr. “If it wouldn’t why would I ask Commando. Everything I say is a background for the topic to come Captain Darr. O great pilot, try remembering what he said” says the watcher. Darr still puzzled with the words of the watcher looks below from the window of his aircraft.Norva flies up to meet the watcher “ O watcher. How is that we won the 2nd window? As I remember we didn’t kill disaster.

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