The Missed time: Part 29: The four years

3550 Words

Bullseye and the team of protectors were lost in the astral world. They were not even sure that they were in what kind of realm. Only an hour was left in the day. Although even Infinity and Eternity themselves couldn't understand what Charlie actually meant by 16 days and 6 hours. The two great entities had thought Charlie had left them alone for 6 hours to recover and then to let them go to the real world. But Charlie does has other plans for his old team members. Everyone except Paula and Bullseye knew Charlie's head. Though Paula had felt the trauma after learning Charlie's betrayal  she has changed into a new person. It was as if she had forgotten her love towards him. To her the man she used to love was dead at the battle at Xarta. She wasn't even sure even if she had a heart that had

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