The Missed time part 5: The four years 2017

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John resumes the scroll-======================================================================================================================================================================== "Well any living being or an energy source dying is an offering to Death while any living being or an energy source creation is an offering to Eternity. Well from creation until it's death, it is an offering to Eternity. The masters are the followers of Eternity as they save life's with the help of protectors like you." says Norva. "But you told that the white warrior is a celestial" says Gawwd. "Yes a celestial can follow both, like the white warrior follows Lady chaos, and there are still celestials in the astral world who follow Eternity" says Norva. "And the masters? What about them? Who they follow?" asks Gawwd. "All of them follow Eternity. But there is a law made by God himself that a master can chose to follow death" says Norva. "You told that by nurturing the living ones a protector with telepathic cosmic power can be a master." says Paula. "Yes. But in the other hand any telepathic protector who offers deaths can be a master. But that's rare because he has to offer his death as well." says Norva. "But you didn't told that before" says Paula. "Yes because I didn't know that. But when I met the master he told me that. Actually the master did leave the other day. He said a new master was joining them. They said he was promoted" says Norva. "Yes we heard that. It's like 6 now. Man he's immortal now" says Gawwd. "Are they all guys?" asks Paula. "Yes they can be women but till now all of them are men. But there are few telepaths who are woman" says Norva. "Infact there are not any in the protectors" says Paula. "So tell me about the wanderers?" asks Gawwd. "Well I was asked to be a guardian by my master. But I didn't want to play by the laws so I was made a wanderer after my redemption." says Norva. "Oh yeah about the waste. Who controls the waste" says Gawwd. "Well the waste is like a different world. Its neither the astral plane nor the real world. Its like a prison for punishing individuals who break the code" says Norva. "Well we didn't break the code but you did when we were trapped in the waste" says Paula. "Yes But I told you were a offering .And the waste is a place that overlaps the living and the dead. You were deemed as a dead when you entered the waste but after the redemption you were redeemed as living." says Norva. "Wait before you said that Ajax offered us as sacrifices to the Lady chaos for his soldiers." says Paula. "Yes ...he redeemed 200 soldiers for his army with that offering" says Norva. "No you don't understand. You said celestials don't do offering. And the White Warrior was a celestial.......Wait Norva can you ask the master as to who the new promoted master is?" asks Paula. "But why Paula. What does that has to do with us?" says Gawwd. "Don't you get it Gawwd......she said any master can also follow Lady" says Paula "So...."asks Gawwd. "So only a telepath can be a master. And a Protectors life is like a 100 average living individual. We were sucked in like we died and ....." says Gawwd. "You mean to say one of our protectors offered us as an offering to Lady chaos" says Gawwd. "Ohh here's the name of the new master promoted" says Norva. "But all of us were in the waste weren't we.........oh my" says Gawwd. "It's Charles R.Mortxeswaq .Yup that's the name" says Norva as Paula and Gawwd are shocked. =======================================================================================John forwards the year at December ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" The last month of the year 2017 and let's see what the scroll says" says John as he reads " A gigantic mare and a black pod enters the island. "You are not serious ....are you Paula?" asks Darr. "Yes this device which the master gave has all the names of the masters. See the new one" says Norva as she shows the device. "Charles R. Mortesqwaq. Yup that's him" says Gawwd as he checks device. "So you mean it was Charlie all the time...that bastard" says John. "Let's not get to conclusion.....I mean we are talking about Charlie" says Darr. "Yes Everything is getting straight now.....That time I was trapped in my mind when I clashed with the white warrior that was Charlie who Was in my mind but as he was already a master I didn't knew" says John. "Yes ....John that celestial who aided him in becoming a master was The White Warrior. It was all a setup .We were meant to be sucked in the well as an offering so that Charlie would be a master. But he forgot about the sword he gave to you." says Paula. "The sword.....yes that sword given by Lady chaos helped us .Didn't it that is why we were redeemed with Norva. As the waste cannot hold any thing belonging to either eternity or chaos." says John. "Yes he was already promoted as a master when we were in the waste" says Paula. "So he killed himself to be a master?" says Norva. "Yes he was killed a day before we escaped the waste. He offered himself to Lady chaos. And now he's a master, the first one following Lady chaos" says Paula. "But ....why would he do that?" says Darr as he is still surprised. "Because he wanted to become a master all the time. He has protected thousands of life. But even being telepathic he could not nurture them to be a master that followed Eternity. So he took the easy way out. I never though he could do that" says Paula. "You think he would do that Paula?. Maybe this is true because out of all people you are saying that?" says Paul. "Maybe....I always thought how could Charlie die so easily...That May be the explanation. But if that's true you know we have a monster to fight against now" says Darr. "I just want to see him once and ask why in his eyes?" says Paula. "If that's true Lady chaos might have used a powerful weapon in Charlie. If....that's true that is" says Gawwd. "I know it was him....My dream that dream I saw him saying that I was dead" says John. "Well I'll talk to my master." says Norva as she's interrupted by a beam projection. The beam projection shows the image of Charlie. "I thought you would take an eternity to know that was me.............get it Eternity" says the image. "Charlie .....why did you do it.You gonna now kill  the whole universe now to please her" says Darr. "See how powerful I am now.I can telepath and teleport my projection anywhere I want. That's the power of a master." says Charlie. "You killed yourself for that?" asks Paul. "You won't get way with this bastard" says John. "Yes you were right about the dream bullseye. I wanted to trap you in the dream. But you were too strong, I though you were dumb But however you proved to be smart tough guy. I am the master. The masters aren't allowed to kill or interfere. But I wanted to see your faces when you knew it was me. You think being like a 100 year old I always want to stay as a protector. None of you know the pain about that. But let me tell you this we will meet again. I am immortal now. I'll have my own clan of protectors now. And these protectors will be called destroyers. They will be my tool against you. So this is the last time I will offer you my service. Whoever wants to join me He or she can join me as a destroyer." says The image. "You ....traitor. You think we will follow you. We don't fear you" says Paul. "Traitor? only know like a mere percent even about the real world. You don't fear me because you don't understand the cosmos Well. Paula join me. You are wise. I will be waiting for you. I never read your mind and I promise you I will never. But I know what you want." says the image as it fades away. "I can't believe him. I want to meet you Charlie. You hear me" says John. "He's gone John. He's not the Charlie we know anymore ok" says Paul. "I still can't believe it's him" says Paula as she's in tears. "He said he will meet one of us. We need to find the answer. But he can read our mind without us knowing it .How will you persuade him when you meet him Paula?" asks Paul. "I will go with her" says John. "He will kill you with just a glance at your mind" says Darr. "He won't" says John as he pulls out the Bullseye helmet gifted by Prieta.                                    ....... The island flies towards Taqarth, the city in Xarta. "You're sure about this" says Darr. "I need to see him in the eye and ask him why?" says Paula. John and Paula fly the Black Warrior into the island Taqarth. John zooms to see Charlie and his soldiers around him. Charlie smiles as he can sense that John is looking at him. The Black Warrior swings back and forth as it closes near to Charlie. The Black Warrior is flung like a paper plane and again slowly landed . "See What My new powers can do?" says Charlie as he sees John and Paula exit from the Black Warrior. "Why Charlie ....With us we were like a family" says John. "Yes family......that is why I gave you that sword. I knew you would find a way John. That sword was the only means to bring you back. Why would I give it to you if I didn't want you to be redeemed." says Charlie. "And yet you let us in the well....knowing that was only one of the possibilities. We could have been trapped there forever" says John. "Wow I can't read your mind.....Is it that helmet. That is quite incredible your head armor. Although it does suit you with the horns....Bullseye haha" says Charlie. "Look bub You May have been our leader but you ain't that no more. And Paula hates you. That is why we came here to tell you on your eyes" says John. "Hate you Paula. And yet you figured out where would I be now meeting you.I promised that I will not enter your mind. Your'e the last person I could harm Paula" says Charlie. "And yet you harmed us...Charlie .I respected you, admired you .....I loved you .And you out of all people might have known that. Yet you tried to kill me. And you want us to join you in this destruction path. Come back Charlie you still have time. says Paula. "Come back......You want me to come back. I can easily hurl that island of yours and throw it into the cosmos .You all would be dead in a few time. But I didn't .Because I want you in Paula.  You were the one who made me believe I can go further in my path" says Charlie. "On a destructive mean ....I though my you to be a better person Charlie?" says Paula. "It's a debate about perspectives. Look See at the positive side ,without death there will be no thing called "new"." says Charlie. "You have totally gone berserk Charlie and you want us to follow you on this path.....never" says John. "Like I said you don't understand....and I thought I would make you understand when I meet you" says Charlie. "You mean to hypnotize me and make me one of your destroyers ....that's what you wanted didn't you. But this helmet is all that's between. Look we aren't fools .We know you're a master and killing by yourself will make you break the code." says John. "You have gone smart John. You couldn't even know about your planet when I gave you a hint if I remember. But you did defeat the white warrior. I was a fool to trust you to give you that sword so that you would join me. And you used that sword for your advantage. Yes the white warrior was my celestial and he made a pact with me to do the deed. I helped him bring his soldiers back by offering the remaining commandos. But you proved quite good John even for Lady death herself or maybe it was because of your burning lady friend. It doesn't change the fact that I will unleash my destroyers in the cosmos. And when they do you will need a place to hide. Even you Bullseye" says Charlie. "Good luck with that friend or should I say old friend" says John as he catches Paula and takes her back to the Black Warrior. "I will still wait for you Paula as I always have" says Charlie.
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