The Missed time part 6: The four years 2018

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John reads the scroll yet again " The protectors are seen in the island with the commandos.  "Well even if he thinks he will try to kill everyone around he will need an army" says Gawwd. "Yes he will sacrifice individuals from earth as a destroyer. That will take him years to make an army.Unless.,," says Darr. "Unless.....we join him" says Paul. "We have 10,000 black commandos and we are 6 protectors .He needs us" says Gawdd. "What you're having second thoughts now?" asks Darr to Gawwd. "Ohh god Why was he at Taqarth?" says Paula. "Yes he found the melted steel .Didn't he ?from the sword. He will give it to the white warrior" says John. "We thought we were blocking our mind, but he is getting stronger. If he releases the white warrior with that sword ,we don't have anything to fight them." says Paula.                                    ........ John looks at the bullseye helmet as he turns it sideways. Paul and Darr join him. "So you used this to block the telepathy?" asks Darr. "I'm glad we melted the sword. I don't want anything that reminds me of him" says John. "Yes and if he has that sword as we suspect then you will regret melting that" says Darr. "Don't mock him.....he's lost his best friend" says Paul. "I thought he was....I mean I was your best friend" says Darr as all of the three smile. "Well we have each other and he's alone" says John. "That's all we have" says Paul. "Prieta told me this helmet can be useful for us" says John. "It did block him to enter your mind" says Paul. "Yes this absorbs the power cosmic from its users. It's like the Taqarth sword. We may need this not just me." says John. "We need to ask Norva to stay with us." says Darr. "No I asked her to contact the masters and to deal with this Charlie situation "Says Paul. "The masters know about Charlie when they all promoted him ok. They are bounded by the rules. They can't interfere with this." says John. "And what about him Charlie, he can interfere wherever he likes" says Paul. "He won't kill anyone by himself ok. He'll use the destroyers. We have time. The white warrior is still alone even if he gets his sword .We burnt the statue and his death knights. We have time. We can figure out a means to sack his plans" says John. "Wow you're talking like a leader. Charlie does want you and Paula on his side badly." says Paul. "Paula.....where is Paula. You can't let her be alone ......Paul she is devastated. We will be lost without her. He is trying to persuade her to join him." says John. "Paula won't .She was the one who figured this all out. She knows she's the leader now." says Darr. "What do you think we should do?" says Paul. "We won't do anything ......I'm waiting for Paula" says John.                                    ........... Paula looks at Charlie's helmet that she kept with her in her chamber. She looks at the helmets top and imagines his black spiked hair and then his blue eyes as she looks down. She visualizes his face and then she remembers his words "I will be waiting for you Paula as I do always". Tears flow from her eyes when those words whisper through her ears. "Paula come back ,Paula come to me" says the voice. "I thought you would never read my mind ....Charlie" she whispers to herself. "I didn't ....I whispered in your heart. Your heart hasn't let go of my words and me Paula" says The voice. "Paula you're alright" "Shut up" shouts Paula. Paul grabs her and says "Paula you're alright what happened" Paula replies "nothing leave me for a while ok" John enters her chamber . "No we won't leave you re not just the leader but our friend "says John as he tells Paul to stay. "I can't get him out of my head John" says Paula. "You're Paula, the torch weirder you can do anything you want.....We all respected him. We all can't get him out of our heads. But you are our leader you need to be more stronger" says John.                                  ...... Norva enters Paula's chamber. "Well I asked the master. For the time being he'll need an army of protectors. That will take him years to build an army" says Norva. "Well I'm not worried about him making one....I'm worried about us joining one" says Paul as he sees his sister's weakness in her tears.    ======================================================================================================================================================================= John says " That Devil master. Am i to read his treachery and his path to glory or what?" Prieta says " No Bullseye. The helmet is key to the solution to our problems. Don't be disheartened" " Well my mind has become tired. May be ill be refreshed reading this........................P...............Makeover...............................................................Paula is still depressed as she looks from the window of the cockpit of the island. The image of charlie flashes in the window. Paula catches her torch as if she is about to strike the window but stops and falls in the floor with tears. Paul enters to see that his sister hasn't recovered from the betrayal. "Paula you need you let him go." says Paul as he pulls his sister and helps her to sit in the pilot seat. "It's not easy. To see him every time and to turn my face and say I don't love him" says Paula. "I know..."Says Paul. Norva and John enter the cockpit but stop when they see Paul and Paula. "You know? You don't know?...........Paul. You will never" says Paula as she covers her face with her hands. "I don't know what.........That to see your love in front of you and still cannot hold her face and say how much I care for her.......I don't know love her so much even if you know she will never love you back....Believe me I know Paula, the pain .....she is the one who ignites in flames but my heart is the one that's burning.......,I know" s ays Paul. "My brother....I am sorry" says Paula as she wipes her tears and pats Paul's back. "How could you be so strong all the time Paul? " asks Paula. "I ......,......,believe I guess" says Paul. Norva catches Paul who hasn't seen her yet. She takes him to his own chamber. Paula is surprised to see the sight. John smiles as he sees Norva and Paul exit. Norva pushes Paul back into his bed. She looks him into his eyes. "You remember what you said to me........before" says Norva. "What" says Paul as he is still confused. "Believe" she Says as she sits on his lap and kisses him intensely. Paul grabs her and starts to open her clothes. Norva undresses Paul as both are naked shortly. Paul grabs her breasts as he squeezes it and kisses her in her neck and slowly begins to make love to her. Norva moans as she puts her tongue in his mouth. Paul carries her during the motion as her long legs trap his waist as she is carried. He puts her on Gawwd's table and thumps her in and out. They are so into each other, they are not aware that their moans and pleasures screams are heard outside. Darr, Gawwd and John are just outside Paul's chamber. Darr and Gawwd are seen with their ears on the door. "Wow they are louder than you and Prieta" says Darr. "Hey do you want me to open the door. It's open I tell you" says John. "That's the sound of my table. They are in my table" says Gawwd. "Good luck that" says Darr as he laughs. "Hey who wants wine. Prieta putted a dozen of barrels in the Warrior" says John as he leaves . "A dozen? She must have known we loved her wine" says Gawwd as they follow John. ......... Paula is in her chambers. She pulls out the band and the clip in her hair as she cuts some of her long silver hairs. She used to cut her hair and style them during her days at mars. She takes out a mirror and a box which contains a brown dye that Norva made for her. She dyes her hair at the ends .She looks at the mirror as she begins to cut her thick long hair and styles them. She remembers Norva teaching her to cut to and fro. It's was a Japanese style of cutting hair. At every cut she utters "I hate you Charlie". As her rage increases suddenly a spark of lighting emits from her scissors on her hair. Her hair had straightened from the current of the lightning. "Wow I can" says Paula as she sees currents in her hand. "I can use my hands now.....May be the torch is a secondary weapon now" she says as she puts the torch in a silver sheath behind her back. =============================================================================================================================================================================== "Quite a woman and a leader isn't she" says John. " You are making me jealous" says Prieta as John laughs.
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