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CHARLOTTE     In my sweating seated position, I looked dejected and in a scared tone I called out          “Papa, Mama? Anybody out there? Someone help me.”           “Silence! ‘The cursed child’ A man with a baritone voice yelled, another whose shadow looked bigger than the room approached me with some rag.           “No, stay far away! Stay far!! Stay f…”      The blaring sound of my ringtone jolted me out of bed as I checked the caller ID, on a normal circumstance, I would have been pissed off at my caller. Today, however; it was the contrary, I am glad that I got this call, it brought joy and it gladdens my heart and soul.      Another nightmare of my past, a day I kept reminiscing over and all over again, which invited the change in me as someone being feared, a ruthless bloodthirsty beta werewolf, and an assassin that derives joy in killing person and persons.      I remembered in shambles how my life was back then. A four year old little girl wearing my best gown which my father designed, going helter-skelter in an attempt to fly my kite in the opposite direction of the wind, my boots were all dirty and my hair unkempt, in my merry mood, I was distracted in the happy realm, until a man seized me by the neck, three other men helped in taking me into a van and all was dark…     The van stopped at a large building with a pocket of lights around. I remembered having goosebumps and in a tremor of repulsion, understood everything after going in, everyone was surviving based on strong will. I decried which was of no use, no one cared and no one will.       I was scared of everything I saw and seeing how people are being tortured, beaten, and trained, and some even die as a result of the training. That was a terrifying sight to behold for a girl her age but no one cared because there were kids exactly my age there.       At age 7, I was tortured, beaten, and trained on how to fight like an animal and kill without mercy, to get pleasure from seeing blood, seeing people beg for their lives while I end their lives. I was psychologically interested in seeing blood, tasting it, and touching it.      After series of successful training day in and day out, I was assigned on a mission to hit down a billionaire, I couldn’t care what he did or why, there is often a boring explanation to interesting events, my aim to succeed which I did. I had to make sure it was a clean kill, leaving no trace and no evidence pointing to me or whoever sent me. I was 14 when I passed my first assignment, leaving no trace, in a nutshell, it was a clean hit.      I was given a dagger as a gift for my first mission, the second, third, and continuous hits were all at hand…       Piecemeal, At twenty I had walked into bigger missions, becoming the ruthless, dangerous assassin ever trained which subscribed a new title for me “The Black Widow.” Perfectly for a lady who had no emotion for men or her-kind. At this point in time, my seething personality made me invulnerable. The name was like a part of me that I couldn't get rid of.      My head rang and I felt a quick rush around my butt, It was my phone ringing again; I felt alive today, the morning brought with it a soothing fresh air that slapped my cheek. My phone rang for the second time, checking the caller I saw it was an unknown number calling. I knew it works! Work!! Work!!!      In a reluctant mood…             “Hello,” I answered the call.             “Hello black widow,” the caller offered an apology for disturbing my vacation moment, In a more serious tone, he continued. “A client has a Job for you. We’ve got a target for you.”      It's been two days since I last went on a mission and I missed it, I missed the fear in their eyes, I love how they beg and plea at me to spare their lives. Their cries of help and pleading were like an orgasm that satisfies my gratification and it gives me this chills that I could quite explain and I love it, I love every bit of it.       The vacation rusted my mind leaving me sentimental and hungry, I miss giving death.            “Nah, you ain’t disturbing me. Who is my target?” I asked in an anxious tone.            “Alexander Willows, age 30. I am sending you his picture and details about him along.” The caller said.            “Where is my target currently?” I asked him.            “Tokyo, Japan.” The caller replied.      My black Dell Laptop beeped, the detail is here which jumped me out of bed.            “Yeah, I just got the details,” I told him as I placed the phone on my ear and using my shoulder to hold the phone firmly to my ear, I navigated through the details.           “You know what to do, tail him, and when you see an opening kill him.” The caller said, and I smiled, his picture came last, He was Handsome, I felt alas for such a fine man coming to an end in my little fingers. I exclaimed I may enjoy ending such a character.          “Keep me updated about his movements.”             “Alright, get ready tonight, you are going to Tokyo. Your target will be at a clubhouse upon your arrival, give him a quick one.” Said the caller.          “Unfailingly I will. Give me details of my target’s location.”          “RB, all you need to do is show your ID. Your name will be on the VIP list, everything has been set out for you, don’t forget don’t leave a trace.” He said out of concern, but his concerns were sounding like a warning.           “Yeah, yeah whatever, I got it. I am hanging up now, later.” I told him before disconnecting.     I quickly made some scrambled eggs and toasted bread with coffee to help digest the food as I read through his information.             ‘Someone has to get herself fed up for a task so dangerous as this, wow this isn’t going to be an easy target' I told myself as I read the information about how ruthless he is and how he uses his enemies lifeless bodies to make a fence to warn off potential enemies, he skins his enemies alive just to get some information out of them, he must be in the Mafia or something because everything I read was exactly how Mafia people behave.            “Fierce one I see,” I said out loud to no one in particular as I took a sip from my coffee.            “Siri call Ronald,” I told the Google voice on my phone.           “Calling Ronald now” the Google voice responded and soon it was connected to Ronald.           “Hello black widow, to what do I owe this special calling?” He asked the moment he answered the call.            “We have some work to do, meet me at RB's clubhouse by 9 pm, don’t be late,” I told him before disconnecting the call without waiting for his reply.      I supposed my target was bigger for me to go alone. I said in my mind, well let's see how tough you are, according to what your profile says, please don’t disappoint me.
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