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                UNKNOWN POV            The alpha summit was going well according to plan, alpha Jeffrey the king of all alphas, and the other alpha werewolves were listing out the plans of how each and everyone would rule their packs so they won’t go into a wreck, how to build the falling business up, employ more staffs and exchange products to other mystical beings and humans for more wealth.            Everything was going smoothly when he walked in, alpha Alexander Willows. The brute, arrogant bastard like we always called him walked in looking all high and mighty.            There was this presence he carried that irritates me and made me hate him even more. I hated the fact that he has everything I ever wanted, the wealth, the empire, the charisma, and the respect of everyone.             To me, he was being feared and respected more than alpha Jeffrey, his grace.              I wanted everything he had and every time I tried getting to his level, he always seemed to upgrade, as if he already knew I was catching up to him.               His downfall was everything I've been praying to the moon goddess for, to bring him down so that I can take the lead, have everyone bowing their heads when I walk in, carrying this aura and presence around me when I wherever I went.              Every time I prayed to the moon goddess, it seems she blesses him even more, crowning him with more wealth to my horror.              I was the third richest according to the rank just behind alpha Jeffrey, making him Alexander to top the list.              As each day passes my hatred for him grew, he was taking all my potential buyers and my current buyers, the properties I had my eyes on. Everybody was running to him leaving me on the sidelines to starve more.             This time I don’t want him below me, I want him gone. Gone forever without his annoying face irking me more.             The arguments from the room used for the alphas drew me out of my thoughts as I raised my head to check what was going on.             Alpha Alexander was having a heated argument with the rest of the alphas.             Yeah, he has to be the one causing this havoc.             This bastard doesn’t know when to quit and stop being arrogant and stubborn for once. Just then I felt a force, pulling me down and I knew it was alpha Jeffrey getting angry making him release his dominant aura.                   "You either apologize to us or you leave and never show yourself in this summit ever again” yelled alpha Jeffrey, everyone expected him to apologize but I knew he wouldn’t. He was just like me in some ways, never bowing to anyone.           Well except Alpha Jeffery.                      “The pleasure is all mine,” he said blowing a kiss to the alphas in the room before storming out with beta right behind his tail. As he left, the room was thrown in total commotion, everything was in disarray and I smiled to myself.             I won’t be here also if I had gotten everything I wanted. I knew I would probably be worse than him but I need to get myself in order.              I wanted his wealth and the alpha Jeffrey's wealth also.            Time to get in into action.                         “I apologize but this meeting is hereby postponed, make use of the little outline I have given to you all and try implementing it on your various business and packs. We will meet again in the next meeting and we would discuss more” Alpha Jeffery said before heading out.             Everybody followed immediately leaving just me in the room. Making sure everyone was gone or far away from earshot when I brought out my secret phone.             I search through the contact list and got to the contact named Ghost. Sailing the contact, after the second ring he picked up.                         “Hello, what’s the code?” Ghost asked.                         “35946” I called it out for him.                         “What can I help you with?” he asked, after confirming the code.                          “I have a client that will benefit the both of us,” I told him.                           “How big is he?”                           “Times three of me"                           “Name?” he asked.                          “Alexander Willow, he is an alpha and he is currently in Japan. Send your best men over to him. Status: super-strong” I said                           “Send his pictures, over and out,” he said ending the call.          I did exactly as he said and sent him the pictures I had of him, gotten from his social accounts. "Watch out Alexander Willows. Enjoy your last food today because tomorrow will be too late for you" I muttered to no one in particular as I hurried out of the room.
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