1993 Words
      The morning felt brisk. Today more than I have ever felt before, my body felt calm and free with no sign of strain and pain. I was surprised that Robert wasn’t my annoying alarm     No work, no alpha summit. Perfect day to relax and have some omega female beside me and then it hit me hard when I remembered what Justin told me about our pack may likely get attacked by rogue wolves and that he sent some troops ahead, he is however yet to report me, something must have gone wrong.      I stood straight stretching my hand upwards, my wristwatch was on my bedside, It is 10:20am, my better judgment screamed at me, none of my men seem concerned about the situation at hand.      I got out of bed to take a quick bath, I felt the need to be simple today, I dressed in black trousers and a white turtle neck top and I left the room, with every single pack member I met on my way, they always bow down to greet me and I do wave at them while some I forget to wave at down because my intention was about my pack protection.             ‘Robert and Justin meet me at my office' I mind linked them before entering my office feelings crestfallen and angered, I won’t give them a moment of notice…    They both ran into my office with Robert panting hard and sweating profusely like he was working out or something.           “Good morning alpha Alexander” they both greeted me.   I gave both of them an appalling look, “I did not receive any reports or news about the troops you sent to fight the rogue wolves” I bellowed pointing at Justin, “I trained you to be smart and fast at what you do, you seem to lose focus, no direction, Should I correct your senses and make you work hard more” I voiced out raising my voice at him while emitting out some alpha dominant pheromones which made him quiver in fear.            “I am sorry alpha, I didn’t disturb you because we haven’t heard any report about them,” he said apologetically bowing his head.           “Isn’t that good enough reason why you should run to me and report to me, those are my pack members out there fighting and some of them have families and you of all personnel should know how I value my pack members” I told him not caring if he was scared or if the pheromones I was emitting was too strong for him to handle.  Fear was ebbing from his body, I continued, sounding tensed, get your bearings together, I may keep your company aside.          “I am so sorry alpha,” he said apologizing to me.          “Arrange more troops and meet me here, we are going to the rogue wolves base to find out what is going on and under any circumstance, if they are in danger, you shall serve punishment for a month,” I told him and he bowed his head in fear, quivering about the punishment as he ran out to carry out my orders.    The punishment was normally carried out to wolves who misbehaved and were being reported by their parents or friends and also to rogue wolves when we need some information from them, it was a punishment where their hands and feet are tied opposite to one another, the hands with a crow on the left side and the other on the right side and they are being stretched to a point where they feel like their hands are about to pull off from their body. sometimes, we allow it to be disconnected and then allow it to heal before repeating it again depending on their crimes.          “You were harsh on the boy just now,” Robert said          “I haven’t discussed about what I will do to you yet, you are my beta, therefore, you are ranked above every other Beta but you don’t act like one and I think I am have been acting cool and gentle with you because you are my best friend but you need to step up,” I told him.         “I am sorry, I was busy. Jeez calm down with the voice raising please, it will only make you get old on time” he said trying to be funny but it did irk me and he was getting me more pissed.        “What were you busy with?” I asked him        “Hum you know, those –”        “Stop, stop I don’t want to hear it, just stop it. Jeez Robert, get yourself a mate” I told him before getting up from my seat.        ”I am feeling the same as you, not being blessed by a mate by the moon goddess so I might as well enjoy everything I could from the hands of those omegas and besides you know how I love my things b**m style,” he said giving me a wink and I shook my head at him.    I was about to answer him when Justin came in with some troops.          “I hope you understand why Justin brought you all here, we need to go save my family and your brothers. So if you do understand then let’s head out” I told them as they all made a loud roar before following me.  We took different cars, We rode my car with Robert beside me and Justin sitting at the front. I studied Justin not even wearing his seat belts, I guess I was hard on him.   When we got close to the rogue wolf's base, we parked the cars few meters away from the rogue base and continued on our feet as we walked slowly.     Getting close to the place, we could perceive the stench of blood and I was worried about what was impending and about the safety of my people.    We began removing our clothes and then tying them at our ankles before morphing into our wolf forms.    When we arrived at the base we were surprised that the rogue wolves have all been killed and their bodies being piled up, while my pack members were busy stocking out their resources the rogue wolves have stolen from people both werewolves and humans, while some were freeing those that the rogue wolves have held captive.    I morphed back into my human form and quickly changed to my clothes that were tied to my ankles. When they saw me, they all stopped and bow their heads to me, I felt rejuvenated by good fortune, they are all safe and well.           “Was it so difficult to send feedback to us that you allowed your alpha to come here himself” yelled Robert and they all quiver in dear as they apologized and told us the reason why they didn’t contact us?           “It's okay, I am glad you all are okay, burn the bodies, and whatever you all got from the rogue wolves give them to the people they captured let them used it to start their lives,” I told them in an authoritative tone, ‘you all did well’   I registered my eyes around as if I was anticipating someone.         “Did we lose anyone?” I asked them, I hope not because I hate going back to their families to apologize to them and besides no amount of gifts being sent to them, it can never replace their loved ones.         “No alpha, we made a sneaky attack on them when they were sleeping,” one of them said and I heave a sigh of relief.        “That’s good, let’s head home,” I told them and head towards the car, I was glad all my worries were laid to rest for the meantime till we get to find another threat again.   When we got to the packhouse, I told everyone to prepare for a party at 10pm, everyone would dance, eat and drink lots of alcohol laced with wolfbane.   This was a kind of tradition in my pack when a fight is won and we emerge victoriously, a party is organized and we drink in merry.    After making the announcement I head to my home to get cleaned up before planning on what to do after the party.    I got busy with work, shutting everything off, my phones, and anything anyone could use to distract me, and the only thing that was switched on was the laptop that I was using for work and I was buried in it until I heard a knock on the door.         “Who’s that?” I asked.          “Omega Ruth alpha” the female replied.          “Come in,” I said without taking my eyes off the laptop and the door opened as she walked in and stood at my front, “yes what can I help you with?” I asked her.          “Beta Robert sent me to you that the party has commerced and we need the alpha to open the party,” she said          “s**t!!!!!” I cursed out slamming the laptop close, “What time is it?” I asked her          “10:30” she responded.         “What the ever loving f**k?” I swear out again before entering my dressing room filled with my clothes and I quickly picked anybody fitted shorts and jeans and combing my hair, I came out to see the omega still waiting for me.        “Let's go,” I said, using my hand to instruct her to follow me.    When we got there I declared the party opened and everybody started drinking and dancing and I couldn't help it but drink some alcohol laced with wolfbane too.   We partied till 2am by now I was a little bit tipsy and I could see Robert making out with a blonde omega and I almost puked as I staggered my way to my room.    I took off my clothes and fell flat on my bed all drunk and exhausted, I slept off…   Sooner had I gone to bed that I heard some steps towards my room window, I heard the window opening and like a ghost approaching me, My hands were all clutched in a fist and pretending to be fast asleep, someone dared come to my territory, amidst the dead bodies used a fence except the person didn’t go through the front fence, well not to worry about the intruder.          ‘ I have one more body to add to my fence’ I told myself and just then I  heard the sound of a knife being unsheathed and I knew what was going to happen, I waited for the intruder to walk closer to my bed and just as I predicted the intruder walked closer to my bed, and I flung open my eyes, held the intruder by the hand that was holding the knife and I flipped the person on the bed and I being on top of the person.  Resistive of the intruder, who had a mask half on the face leaving only the eyes which seemed familiar. I pinned both her hands together, though she was strong but she was no match for me as I overpowered her and with my other free hand I removed the half mask from her face and was surprised to see the lady I met at the club in Tokyo and then on the plane.  All of a sudden there was this wave rushing all through my body, this smell of lavender and rose, filled my nostril and my wolf Ghost screaming and howling in my head and I let go of her hand and placed my hand on my head and then I yelled the word that I thought would never be possible or that I would never say ever in my life.         “MATE”
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