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  When I told him I wanted to be on the same plane with him, I didn’t mean for us to be two seats away from one another, those scaly wags always lose the right direction, how were they expect me to be able to do some certain things when he around the corner.    I swallowed hard on my saliva when walking down to my seat, Ronald quickly held my hand and I smiled at him as we got to our seats, He was wanting to bring something to my notice, however, I cut him shut by matching his toes, that was for him to understand that words travel fast and to anywhere and especially the fact that he is a werewolf with super hearings. Realizing that, he tore a sheet from his journal which he normally calls “My Everyday,” I always find it difficult to access it anytime I see it, sometimes, it got me thinking that he keeps secrets from me, anyway, it is a personal thing. He passed the sheet which I took quickly from his hands in curiosity…        ‘It doesn’t feel alright to be two seats away from your hunt, how did this happen?    Finally, he feels how I do, I replied ‘This is a costly mistake and it gonna staff our time.’    Came his reply again ‘that’s reckless, you need to bring to their notice next time, it may not work out for us if we survive being caught’     I connect to the wifi of the plane and began searching for more things especially juicy information about him and I didn’t know when I slept off.     The sound of ‘fasten your seat belt’ rang in my ears, I thought that was in my dream, It wasn’t, I fastened and there everyone went, LANDED.      I noticed that my target was not in a haste, instead, I had to wait for him out of the plane to keep trailing him, I pretended to be looking for my black Nike bag until he got down from the plane.      Though it was pretty dark but my wolf senses were awakened and I was focusing on the scent of his Cologne, smelt like suspense, I was not sure and besides, it is not important for now, when he got to a gate his car drove in and the gate was shut close.   We waited for a few minutes for them to come out but they didn’t and I knew this was his packhouse, I was about to come down when Ronald held my hand.          “Be careful and please don’t approach the target yet please” he said sounding cautious.          “I am just going to check the surroundings and know what I am up against. I promise I won’t approach the target” I told him and he kept staring at me, “what now?” I asked him         “Perhaps, I should study the surroundings and report back to you, I feel uneasy letting you go alone, and going together could expose us.”         “You sound emotional, I don’t like the tone, I’m giving you the assurance of coming back, do your job from within her,” I demanded. However, he looked white knuckled.    I got down from the car and head towards the wall and when I go there, I enhanced my hearing to see what was happening behind the wall, the place seemed peaceful before jumping over the fence, I took a brief mental notice, there was no one around, the place is serene, I looked up noticing the moon, it felt like it waved and my heartbeat as slowly as an empty space, feeling relieved.     A handsome reminder to myself ‘check the surroundings and take my leave’ When I saw the coast was clear, I ran towards a building and each time I hear some movement I hid myself, I stood just near the interlocked flower yard then someone came out, The zephyr came all around, I opened my mind to embrace it, how mistaken of me, before I could notice, I was a character going into the upper building, It should be him, questions abound. I need to trail whoever it is.    I scanned the building and I saw a light being switched on through the window and I decided to check it out and It was him getting undressed.    He’s a well built man I explained, I moved a bit to be comfortable registering my eyes well at his structure, All over he had large muscles, as tall as I want, his thin eyelashes looked as if they invited his pert nose, he had a long face and a slim cheeks, that’s what I don’t like, I was lost in looking at what I am meant to be targeting and getting rid off.    I scanned around the environment very well and make sure everything would be planned and when he went into his restroom I quietly went into the room and fixed a hidden camera in a place he would never get to find them and also fixed a tracker chip that Ronald gave to me on his wristwatch on the table before climbing out of the window.    Everything was how I wanted, I jumped over the fence again and race down to the car and I was welcomed with questions from Ronald.         “How did it go?” he asked me        “It went well, turn on the tracker device. I was able to place a camera in his room and the tracker chip you gave to me” I told him.  As quickly as he can, he turned the system, typing on his keyboard with all seriousness as he worked on it and soon on the screen of the laptop was Alexander's room, the perfect view of his entire room.         “Your phone?” he asked stretching out his hand towards me while I gave him the phone and I didn’t know what he did but when he switched on the phone and gave me back the phone. He installed a app on the phone with a red dot which indicated Alexander.        “When he is about to leave the house, the tracker on your phone will beep alerting you of his sudden movement,” he said and I smile before igniting the car and I drove off, tomorrow it is! Tomorrow I will be able to finally get rid of my target for good.
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