chapter 02-Picking up the pieces

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Kendry was dealing with a lot. The loss of his father, his law licence being disbarred and missing his best friend at a time when he actually didn't have anyone to confide in. His father's memorial was a month to come, so he was stuck with paperwork trying to prepare the event. He was struggling! He decides to call Liandrah. "You have reached Lie, please the message ", goes straight to voicemail. It was midday ,Liandrah was at work and kendry only had the landline number and not the cell. Liandrah was working a big story at the moment. A government official whose net worth didn't match his lavish spending sprees. It was a big profile case. The one to put their firm on the radar. So because of the investigatory procedures for the story, the follow ups, the interviews, she was barely home. And she lost track of what was happening outside her bubble. She forgot her friend actually needed her. She didn't even go to his father's funeral. One weekend her boss insist on giving her a day off so that she may rest a bit after all the hard work she was always putting. Thats when she realized her apartment was so creepy. Every this and that thrown everywhere. She barely lived in it. She cleaned up so nice ,cooked herself some food and decides she listens to voice messages sent to her. A couple of messages from her lil sis followed her mom's messages and then Kendry's message started playing ,"Heyy Lie, sup . Its Kendry. Just wanted to say hie. Oh God I don't know why am sending you this message, but I miss u friend. And you are the only one I call family right now. Hit me up please". Upon hearing her friend's message, she burst into tears. She had let her friend down when he needed her the most, she regretted. She had just only been focusing on her career, forgetting her friend didn't have anyone to run to and not even a career to pursue. She remembered all the times she would just crush at Kendry's house when she felt bored at her parent's house. Kendry was like family to her. She decides to call him back, (phone rings and got picked up). "Heyy",she started. "Heyy stranger !" replied Kendry with a chuckle. "Heyy, iam so sorry for not being around and all I should have done was check on you",pleaded Lie. Kendry replied that it was ok and that he understood. Liandrah then asked for Kendry's address which was sent to her phone. She promised to go visit him in the evening. When she was set to leave for Kendry's, an envelope was stashed from under her door. She hurried out to see who it was but when she got outside, the person was already in the elevator. She tried to run ro hold off the elevator but she failed. She returned to her apartment only to find the second envelope on top of the first one. She wondered how and who got it there since she saw the person supposed to have thrown the first one gone. She sensed danger. She smiled as she believed where there is smoke, there is fire. After her rather weakening events, she woke up to realize she might have let her best friend down again! She decides to go there. Kendry was so happy seeing her actually coming to see him. They poured out their hearts to each other, reflecting their childhood trauma. Then Kendry went for a kiss, she almost kissed him back but she couldn't. "I can't, Iam sorry!" She left in tears. Kendry was unhappy but remained so hopeful.
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