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chapter 01 They say in every dark cloud is a silver lining, but judging from Kendry's side of the story a dark cloud sometimes doesnt show their silver lining until when its too late to turn back. Making a fool out of everything you put through to have what you want done. Its always a dream of everyone who had a crush on their kindergarten friend for the friendship to continue until it turns into a serious relationship. Kendry had known Liandrah all his life. He knew all her flows ,ups and downs. They had a very great history together. Their parents invited each other over for dinners or thanksgiving because of how closeness their children's relationship was. They were practically related although they literally were not. Kendry had just came from his father's funeral. It was the most difficult of times for him. His father was the only parent left for him. His mother having kicked the bucket a month ago after a long battle with cancer. He had finished college with a degree in Law but it was all to no avail since his law licence was barred. During his attachment, at Queens he had buried evidence that led to the improsonment of one of the well known businessman, Ricardo Fereira the owner of a popular night club in their state. On the other hand, Liandrah was just starting work at a law firm called The Branskah which was owned by a Russian-American named Prazhah Branskah. She had a passion for law just like her childhood friend but she wanted to expose criminals rather than sending them to prison. Although she came from a billionaire family, she believed in working on her own!
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