Episode 2

1113 Words
“Help me!!, somebody help me!!” Hazel was screaming and hitting the door hard wishing someone would just open the door for her. Smoke starts filling the toilet through the open window making Hazel's eyes water and she starts cough violently. Thick smoke was every where and Hazel couldn't see a thing. She starts to gasp for air “somebody h- h- help m- m- me” she says faintly. Her eyelids were starting to drop and she struggles to keep her eyes open. She was drifting into unconsciousness ness when she hears someone screaming her name, she tries to reply but everything turns black and she becomes unconscious. Hazel felt as if her head was been splited into two when she tries to open her eyes. She immediately shuts her eyes and tries opening them slowly to adjust them to the light. She's confused when she realizes that she was lying down on heaps of leaves, the place looks nothing like the slave house and she was wondering how she got there. “You're awake, finally” Hazel snaps her head up to see Selena smiling brightly. “Selena, how did we get here? Fire!! there was fire everywhere!!”. Hazel starts panicking when she remembers. “Calm down Hazel, I was looking for you when I saw you passed out on the floor in the toilet” Selena explains “ Thank you for saving me Selena, I promise to repay you one day” Hazel promises. “Oh, while the guards were busy trying to control the fire, a lot of slaves escaped so I took the opportunity to get us too out of that horrible place,I am sure the guards wouldn't be able to find us and we are never going back there”. Selena says while smiling brightly, “this is the only birthday gift I could think of”. “Oh my god!!!!” Hazel screams her eyes widening with disbelief making her eyes glow. “Thank you so much!!” She says and jumps up to give Selena a hug. “I can't believe you did this for me” Hazel says with tears glistening in her eyes. “I forgot to ask, how are you feeling now? Are you in pain? Does your head hurt?” Selena asks while examining Hazel with worry. “Am fine Selena, but am a little hungry” Hazel replies sheepishly. “Oh here” Selena hands over roasted meat to Hazel “this is all I could get in this forest”. Hazel starts to eat when she remembers “what would you eat if I eat this?” Oh don't worry I am fine and I wanted you to wake up before we continue on our journey, we would soon get to my house. Once it was nightfall, Selena tells Hazel it was time to continue their journey. They walk in silence except for the rhythm of their beating hearts. Hazel was starting to get tired of walking when Selena stops at the front of a small beautiful house. “Why is your house in the middle of the forest?” Hazel asks out of curiosity. Selena shushes her and quickly pushes her into the house. She rubs some strange substance all over Hazel's body, takes a deep breath before saying. “This is the way we live and my house isn't the only one here, but I must warn you, if am not here don't step out of this door or you will be in danger okay?” Hazel nods her head slowly, “oh, before I forget every morning after you bath, make sure you rub this oil on your body immediately, never forget” Selena warns Hazel while handling her a bottle with some green scented oil. “Welcome to my home” Selena said with a smile. “Your home is beautiful” Hazel replies while looking around the house awestruck. “I look forward to living with you” Selena says teasingly. Making Hazel's face turn red as she smiles sheepishly. “Now come let me show you around the house” Selena holds out her hand and Hazel takes it. Selena shows Hazel all parts of the house with Hazel asking a few questions and Selena answers all of her questions patiently. “Now, this is your room” Selena opens the door to a bedroom and gestures for Hazel to go inside. “Really!! this place is for me?” Hazel asks feeling giddy with excitement. “Yes it is, freshen up and go to bed we would talk more in the morning” Selena says as she walks out of the room and bids Hazel good night before shutting the door gently behind her. Hazel couldn't sleep because she was too excited she kept tossing around on the bed. She stands up and heads out of the room, she sits on what Selena called a”sofa” while showing her the places in the house. Hazel got confused when she tries to return to her room. She was standing between two doors trying to decide which was hers when a door opens and Selena pokes her head out, “Hazel what's the problem do you need anything?” Selena asks with concern. “No I don't, I couldn't sleep so I came out of my room but now I don't know my room anymore” Hazel replies her cheeks turning red from embarrassment. “Oh, the door on the right is yours and the one on the left is mine” Selena explains. “Oh thanks Selena I am going to bed now goodnight” Hazel signs out in relief when Selena close her room door. Hazel enters her room and jumps on the huge bed. “Mom, Dad thank you for sending Selena to me, I hope you are safe, I promise I would find you no matter what” Hazel murmurs with determination in her voice while staring at the ceiling, she soon drifts off to sleep. For the first time in a long time Hazel sleeps peacefully, she had no nightmares and there was no Charles yelling at her to wake up. The sun was shining bright when Hazel finally wakes up the next day. She rolls around lazily on her bed while grinning widely. She stares at the ceiling for a long time thinking about random things. Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears some movement behind the window. She listens and she hears someone knocking on her window and the person tries to open it, her heart skips a beat.
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