Episode 3

1158 Words
“W-who's there?” Hazel asks, her voice shaking, she stands up slowly to check who was at her window, she inhales deeply and reaches out to shift the curtain when her door opens forcefully with a loud thud. “Ahhhh!!!” Hazel screams “Relax Hazel it's me” Selena shouts “Oh, it was you good morning Selena” Hazel replies while her heart continues to beat loudly, Selena chuckles at this. “Somebody was knocking on my window h- hope it's not a g- ghost?” Hazel asks with her eyes widening in fear. Selena's face pales for a moment before she manages to give Hazel a weak smile. “It's nothing, it's probably the wind there's no one to knock here, there isn't any house nearby”. Selena explains. “Anyway, freshen up and join me downstairs breakfast is ready.” Selena turns to leave when she suddenly remembers “oh don't forget to apply that oil I gave you”. Hazel nods “I won't, I will meet you downstairs in the next few minutes”. Selena leaves the room and Hazel walks to the bathroom to take her bath. Hazel was shocked to see how big and clean the bathroom looked, the bathing area was bigger than her cell at the slave house. Hazel takes her bath quickly and hurriedly puts on a big shirt and shorts she finds among the numerous clothes she finds in the closet. Hazel felt touched because Selena was thoughtful enough to provide her with everything she could ever need including beautiful clothes she could never finish wearing. She's confused though because she didn't know when Selena filled the closet with clothes. “Probably while I was sleeping” she thought as she shrugs. Hazel gets downstairs to find Selena leaning on the kitchen cabinet sipping coffee in fresh clothes and her hair wet against her forehead indicating she just finished taking her bath. Hazel stops in her track realizing something was different about Selena, but she couldn't figure out what it was about her that was different. “Why are you staring at me like that? Do I look more beautiful?” Selena teases her. “Yes” Hazel blurts out and starts blushing furiously after realizing what she just said. Selena chuckles and ruffles Hazel's hair “you're too cute an innocent for this world”. “What ar- -” Hazel was saying when Selena interrupts her, “why don't we sit for breakfast first?”. The two friends eats in comfortable silence, Selena looks up to see Hazel staring at her yet again. “Why are you looking at me again?” She asks. “I was just wondering what did I ever do to deserve someone like you in my life” Hazel replies. “Thank you so much Selena for being my friend and my sister, I will grateful and indebted to you for the rest of my life” Hazel says while holding Selena's two hands and looking at her with love and gratefulness. “Hazel, you're welcome, do you know? I usually don't care about what happens to people, but with you, I feel like it's my duty to protect you and your innocence from this evil world” Selena utters while patting the hands holding her. “Enough with the emotional confession, am starving.” Selena's stomach grumbles as if to agree with her words. They continue to eat their food in comfortable silence. After their meal, Selena brings out a photo album and starts pointing out the people in the pictures, “this is my dad and beside him is my mom”’ Selena says while pointing to the picture of the beautiful couple holding each other while smiling brightly. “And this right here, is me”. Selena points to the picture of a baby smiling toothlessly. “Aww you were so cute” Hazel coos as if she was talking to the baby. Selena smiles slightly and continues to show Hazel pictures from her childhood, when they got to the last picture, Selena paused, her hands were shaking slightly which Hazel didn't seem to notice and she gritted out “this was the last picture we took as a family, my parents died few hours ago." Her voice breaks as she stares at the picture of her parents smiling and looking at her with so much love and she was wrapping her arms around the both of them with a smile of her own. Selena closes her eyes to prevent the tears from falling. “How di- -” Hazel was asking when Selena interrupts her. “I don't want to talk about them or how they did”. She says as she storms out of the sitting room in anger. For the first time, Hazel felt sorry for Selena as she caught a glimpse of the pain in her eyes as she left. Hazel sat down in the same spot for a long time lost in thought. After sometime, Hazel opens her eyes to see a blanket on her body on the same spot she was sitting on earlier. She had no idea she had slept off. She walks to Selena's room to find the place empty. She walks to her room wondering if Selena was okay or she was still angry. Hazel realizes it was night time already when she sees the moon shinning brightly through her window. “Oh it's a full moon” she whispers to herself as she stares at the moon in awe. Hazel had no idea her eyes were shinning brightly. “The moon goddess must be happy” Hazel was proud of herself for remembering all Selena taught her about the moon saying she would need it soon. Hazel ate the leftover food they kept during breakfast that night. Selena didn't come back home yet but Hazel wasn't worried because Selena already told her that sometimes she wouldn't be staying in the house. Hazel returns to her room and stands by the window staring at the moon again. She started to feel a strange urge to feel the moonlight against her skin. She was already walking to the door when she remembers Selena's warning “Hazel, don't ever go outside at night especially on the nights of a full moon or you will be in danger and I will be very worried”. Hazel didn't want Selena to be disappointed and angry if she went under the moonlight, so she climbs her bed instead. Hazel couldn't sleep she kept turning and tossing on her bed. Suddenly she hears wolfs howling and she sits up immediately and rushes to her window. The howling stops after a while, Hazel was about to go to bed when she sees bright gold eyes staring at her intensely and she freezes in place.
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