Chapter 4

1006 Words
"You said what? Did I hear that right?" George exaggeratedly cupped his ear. "If you were so capable, why did you flee Wyndcrest in such disgrace back then?" Jack couldn't be bothered to argue with him. "I'll be waiting for you at the Oyo Sunshine Hotel banquet tomorrow night. If you don't show up, you'll be a coward!" George sneered, flipping Jack off before turning and heading back inside. After George left, Drake stepped out from the shadows. "Sir, that man is pretty arrogant. Shall me ...?" Drake made a throat-slitting gesture. Jack placed a hand on Drake's shoulder and whispered, "I'll handle this myself." As Emily Foster's parents had such a negative opinion of him, Jack decided to leave rather than stay and aggravate the situation further. Drake followed closely behind, saying, "Sir, there are two things I need to report. First, the Skyblade has purchased the Eastwoods Hotel and transferred it to you. This should make your operations in Wyndcrest more convenient. Second, we've located Simon Cooper, Edwin's brother. He's with the Lawrence family here in Wyndcrest, having married the Lawrence daughter and become their subordinate." Edwin and Drake were codenames for two of the ten generals of the Skyblade. During the Federation War, Edwin was severely injured and left disabled. However, the position of a Skyblade general couldn't remain vacant for long. Edwin recommended Simon, whose personality and abilities were nearly identical. With some training, he could become the new Edwin. Jack, now returning to Wyndcrest, decided to evaluate Simon. 'Why would Edwin's brother become a subordinate to another family?''  Jack couldn't understand. Edwin was the most hot-tempered of the Skyblade generals. How could someone like him become a subordinate? "Got it. I'll be in Wyndcrest for a while, so there's no rush to contact Simon." Jack left without further explanation. *** The next evening, the Yates family had booked the entire second floor of the Oyo Sunshine Hotel for the banquet. It was a lavish and grand birthday party. Sam Yates, George's father, and George were all smiles as they welcomed the guests. While the Yates family wasn't as influential as the Steele family, they were still considered elite in Wyndcrest. All the attendees were notable figures, and even the Steele family had sent representatives to celebrate Sam's birthday. Among the guests were Emily, Frank and Nancy. Frank and Nancy were visibly excited, looking around eagerly, while Emily's mood remained low. She wanted to avoid George, but her parents insisted on her attending Sam's birthday party, making her feel even more uncomfortable. If Nancy hadn't threatened suicide, Emily wouldn't have come. "Emily, be sure to be warm and polite when you meet George's father. He could be your future father-in-law!" Nancy admonished, trying to force her daughter into marrying George. "Mom, stop with this nonsense!" Emily snapped, frustrated by her mother's words. "I don't care what you think. Your marriage to George is settled. Break off all contact with Jack, or you'll regret it!" Nancy's tone was stern and final. Emily wanted to argue, but Frank interrupted. "Both of you, keep it down. Everyone's watching. Don't embarrass us." Just then, George and his father, Sam approached with beaming smiles. "There you are!" Sam warmly shook Frank's hand, casting a satisfied glance at Emily. Nancy looked at George approvingly and nodded repeatedly. "George and my Emily are like a prince and princess, a perfect match. Jack Steele, that scumbag, is nothing compared to George." George chuckled, playing along. "Mrs. Foster, you're flattering me. But Jack is indeed a coward. Even if Emily doesn't like hearing it, I have to say it. Yesterday, he actually threatened to kill me if I pursued her." "What? Did he really say that?" Nancy's eyes widened, and she stomped her foot in anger. "That jinx! He almost ruined the Foster family, made my daughter wait for him for eight years, and now, just when she finally has a good prospect, he wants to cause trouble again! The world would be better off if he just died!" Nancy continued. Nancy glared at George. "Don't worry, if Jack dares show up and make trouble, I'll personally teach him a lesson. I won't let you be wronged!" George smiled, satisfied with her response. Sam added, "Since our families get along so well, once Emily and my son are married, I'll explain to the Steele family that the Fosters have no ties with Jack anymore. Plus, with my connections, the Steele family will definitely grant your family some market resources." "That would be wonderful!" Nancy and Frank exchanged a relieved look. Nancy was as excited as if she had won the lottery, while Emily felt despondent, glancing towards the banquet entrance. She hoped Jack would appear but feared he would be in danger. The banquet officially began. All the guests enjoyed the exquisite food and drinks under Sam's hospitality. Sam, as the birthday honoree, walked up to the stage with a smile. "Thank you all for coming to my birthday banquet. I'm very happy. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce something." The crowd fell silent, focusing on Sam. "George, my son, is of marrying age and has found a perfect match in Miss Emily Foster. I would like to use this occasion to formally announce their engagement!" Emily was pushed onto the center stage by Nancy, while George, in a formal suit, approached her with a bouquet and knelt on one knee, holding a sparkling ring. "Emily, will you marry me?" The guests cheered and applauded. Emily's eyes filled with tears. Even though she was unwilling, what could she do? Could she hope for someone to swoop in and save her? She glanced at her family. Seeing her mother's ecstatic expression, she closed her eyes in despair, about to answer, "I..." Just then, the banquet hall doors burst open. Jack Steele, dressed in a luxurious suit, walked in with an imposing presence. "I don't agree! Who do you think you are, George? Dare to lay claim to my woman?!"
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