Chapter 1

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"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Federation Military District War Announcement!" The loud broadcast echoed across Central Square. Nearly a hundred thousand residents gathered solemnly in the Central Square of Wyndcrest, waiting for the official post-war announcement from the Federation. "Under the leadership of General Jack Steele, the Federation successfully repelled the combined invasion of the three empires! Sadly, after more than ten days of search and rescue operations, no trace of General Steele has been found. The Federation officially declares that General Jack Steele has heroically sacrificed himself!" As the broadcast continued, a wave of sorrow swept through the square. Upon hearing the news of General Steele's death, people began to cry, embracing each other; and some even fainted from the grief. "The entire First Legion, except for Vice-General Drake Long, has perished. The Second Legion lost all of its officers, with a total of 107,569 soldiers dead…" This was both a war report and a memorial service to honor the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and General Jack Steele, the youngest Five-Star General in Federation history, who protected the Federation civilians. On this day, the entire Federation mourned. Men, women, and children all cried in sorrow. At the edge of the square, two cloaked men stood quietly. If anyone had seen their faces under the hoods, they would have recognized them as Jack Steele and the Drake Long, the Vice General. "Sir, are you sure you don't want the Federation to clarify you're alive?" Drake asked respectfully from behind. "It's fine. I need to take care of some personal matters," Jack waved his hand, signaling Drake not to say more. After eight years of war, he was tired. This misunderstanding gave him a chance to rest. More importantly, he finally had the opportunity to find the girl and fulfill his previous promise. "But the forces beyond the border…" Drake hesitated. "Just a bunch of defeated soldiers. You manage the Skyblade at the border for me. What trouble do they dare cause?" Jack's said in a light tone. The Skyblade was a top force he had built himself, with ten powerful generals. Drake was one of them. "Have you found any news about my fiancée?" Jack asked. "Her life hasn't been good… It's actually been quite terrible," Drake continued, seeing the dark expression on Jack's face. "Your family thought you were dead, so she's been constantly oppressed by your family. Your cousin has been harassing her." Anger filled Jack's heart. His family not only conspired to force him away but now they were also tormenting the girl he loved. His fists clenched tightly. "Beep, beep, beep…" Drake looked at a message on his communicator and hurriedly said, "Sir, something's wrong! Your cousin just said he's going to rape her!" "What! How dare he!" Jack roared, his voice filled with murderous anger. "Get me the fastest car now. Let's see who dares touch her!" Drake hadn't seen Jack erupt with such terrifying killing intent for a long time. He dared not to delay and immediately called for the nearest military vehicle. In the speeding car, Jack fell into his memories. Eight years ago, due to a conspiracy, Jack and Emily Foster had an intimate encounter. Instead of causing a rift, they confirmed their relationship. To escape his family's persecution, Jack decided to join the army, promising to return in two years and give Emily the grandest wedding in the world. But he never expected the war at the border to drag on. Eight years had passed since he left! As he snapped back to reality, familiar buildings appeared in his view. He was about to see his beloved girl, feeling a mix of nervousness and guilt. Unsure of how to face Emily, he kept tidying up his clothes and hair to cover his complex emotions. Seeing the familiar scenery, Jack suddenly noticed a red Beetle parked in a small alley, with faint screams coming from inside. 'That was Emily's car!' Even after eight years, Jack's memory was sharp. He didn't wait for the driver to stop, kicking open the door and sprinting towards the car. "Let go of me, you filthy scumbag! I'm your sister-in-law!" Emily screamed in humiliation inside the red Beetle. "Haha, exactly! I want to f**k you! Ben has already said that Jack, that i***t, died with General Steele in that battle. Let me satisfy your s****l desires on his behalf!" The man inside the car was the cousin who previously framed Jack with his family—Todd Steele! He laughed maniacally, like a beast in heat, ignoring her struggles. "How I wish Jack were alive to see me and my friends f**k you. We'll make you feel amazing, haha…" Todd ignored the struggling Emily and continued his verbal assault. The humiliation gave him a twisted sense of excitement, so he completely failed to notice someone rapidly approaching the car. Just then, hearing the familiar voice, Jack ripped the locked car door off its hinges. Todd, startled and shouted, "Who dares…" but froze when he saw the man. His eyes went from anger to terror. "You… you're Jack?!" Seething with rage, Jack pulled Todd out of the car and punched him in the face. Even holding back, Jack's punch tore Todd's face and shattered his teeth, knocking him out cold. At that moment, Jack fought the urge to kill Todd instantly. A quick death was too lenient; he wanted Todd to regret being alive. With a cracking sound, Jack crushed Todd's entire arm under his foot. The severe pain woke Todd, who could only scream through his broken mouth. "Don't worry, you won't die until my anger is satisfied," Jack sneered, looking into Todd's blood-covered eyes. Todd's screams ceased, his limbs crushed into pulp, left with only faint breaths, blood bubbling from his ruined mouth. Turning back to the car, Jack met Emily's tear-filled eyes. His anger vanished, replaced by guilt, pain, and love. Smack! "Emily..." Before Jack could say another word, Emily slapped him hard. The slap hurt his heart more than his face. Filled with remorse, Jack pulled the stubborn girl into his arms. Unable to break free, Emily, bit Jack's shoulder hard, crying loudly. Blood flowed from his shoulder, but Jack held her tighter, knowing he owed her too much. He couldn't bear to push her away. "You promised to come back in two years, but I waited for eight years! Then they said you were dead! Do you know how much I suffered? I nearly went crazy!" Emily cried out her grievances in Jack's arms. Jack, gazing lovingly at her, softly said, "I'm sorry for being late. Don't worry. Those who hurt you will pay." Lifting Emily gently with one hand, Jack grabbed Todd by the clothes with his other hand and headed towards the Steele family mansion, dragging Todd like garbage. It wasn't far. Soon, Jack arrived at the mansion's gate. Placing Emily down gently, he threw Todd with a forceful swing. Thud! Todd's body hit the mansion gate like a football. Hearing the commotion, the Steele family members, who were hosting guests, came out. Seeing the severely injured Todd, they were furious. Jack's eyes were fierce as he called out into the mansion, "I, Jack Steele, have come to hold a funeral for the Patriarch of the Steele family!"
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