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Sloane: One look at that animal and I almost lost it. I was reminded of why I had turned my back on what I once believed in. Why a pack is not what I thought it once was. Packs are nothing but a joke established to corrupt what we really are. We're monsters. Who thought it was okay to domesticate the animals we really are? "Mother fucker!" I growled throwing the vase across the room. The sound of it shattering calmed me for an instant until it reminded me of Raziel Victor. I looked down at my hand to see the faint pink line of the cut. I looked around trying to find something that wouldn't make me go back there and rip the entire place apart. I walked into my study room. I looked around almost desperate. My eyes landed on the pink box. My entire body trembled as I walked over to it and picked it up. The box smells a little like him. I sat on the floor in the darkness and opened it. The tears rushed out of me out from the anger. I opened the lid pulled out the laptop placing it on the table. I opened it to find a note inside. The screen came on asking for a password. I pulled the note off the screen. The Password is you. It read I wanted to laugh. I typed in my name but it read: incorrect password. I closed my eyes. This time I laughed. I typed in Trouble and it let me in. "Cute," I said out loud feeling a lot better. I set it up needing someone to talk me down. The chat rang a couple of times before her face popped up on the screen. "Why is it so dark?" she asked. I looked around and reached for the lamp closest to me to switch it on. "Oh, honey. Did you two fight?" "No," I said truthfully. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Are you alone?" I asked. "Get out you, animals," she shouted. "Babe," Lance said it sounded like she had kicked him off the bed. "Jesus," "There," she said when the sound of a door shutting echoed in her room. "I know I said I would let it go," "No, Sloane. No," she said shaking her head. "I thought we were over this. What happened? You were so happy yesterday," "I took this case. A rich guy. Easy money. His wife was missing. He didn't believe she had run off. She had. She ran off with her mate," she sat back placing whatever device she was using on her lap so I could get a better view. "Turns out that she's mated to one of the guys Alexie has beef with. We convinced him to work for Alexie and in return, I turn her," "That sounds ideal. She becomes your pup and they can't break the truce," I nodded. "He's Roy's brother," her eyes grew big like saucers before they filled with tears. "I had him in front of me. You have no idea how much it took out of me to not kill him and repaint that place with his blood," "Oh, my god," she said wiping her face. "Does Alexian know?" "I'm sure he's fed him something right about now," "You left him there? Together? Are you mad?" "I was," I said wiping the tears away. "I was from before that. I met their psychotic sister," "You met Raziel Victor?" she asked excitedly. "What was she like?" "Insane. She tried to kill me," "That b***h," she growled her eyes glowing blue. "That's what I said," "Damn and you can't just kill the b***h. Lance said her and Alex are like tight in a weird I hate you kind of way," "I know. It is weird. She tried to kill me cause she doesn't think I'm good enough for him," she laughed. "She cut up some pack wolf and had slices of him cooked for us. I want to go over there and strangle her," "Damn. You have to give her points for creativity. You have eaten rogues in wolf form," I glared at her. "Just saying. b***h crazy. We like her," "We do," I said leaning back against the wall. I do like her. She has a backbone. "Are you sitting on the floor?" she asked and I nodded. "I... I almost lost it. Seeing Roy," I said shaking my head. "So he's totally your b***h now?" "Better, he's Alexie's b***h," we both laughed before she got serious. "So you're going to tell him about he who shall not be named?" "You've been watching Harry Potter haven't you?" she nodded. "The baby loves it," she said rubbing her flat belly. "I have to tell him. I mean I was going to anyway. Later, when I was ready. Now I have to tell him why I have to go on a killing spree," she laughed. "Tell me you turned the girl so I don't have to send Lance after your ass," she demanded pointing at her screen. "I turned the girl. You know Lance is going to come anyway," she nodded. "I swear when we were mated you might as well been our mate too," I laughed. "I bet he'll be even more protective now that he knows you're his little bro's mate," "She wasn't kidding," I said thinking back at what my mom's sister had said when she met Lance. "Fate is coming for you and he will be your salvation," she said in a deep voice. We both laughed. "You know what you need?" "Please don't say get laid," "I suspect you get enough of that if he's anything like Lance. I was going to say you need to go out. Music, vodka, pillies, and trance. There's going to be an event in Shore. Really close to you. Starts Friday. The day after the full moon so there isn't any danger and you won't be super stressed when you get here Saturday. You should take Alex with you and show him how to have fun cause I swear these Victor men have a stick shoved up their ass," "I can hear you," a distant voice shouted. We both laughed. "So letting it go wasn't in the books for you and I love you for trying but I'm not going to stop you anymore. What he did to you, I'd rip that mother fucker in half for," "I wanted you to talk me out of it," I said closing my eyes. "I tried once and I lost you. You've always known what was right and when you lost sight of the right thing your dad put you back in line. You're not a little girl anymore and you're definitely not naive anymore. Make sure you show him that and your ass better stay alive so you can come and baptize my baby. He or she will need you as much as it'll need me," "I promise," I said. "I wouldn't miss it," "I'm glad you finally got a laptop," I smiled looking down at the keyboard. "What is that look on your face?" "Alexie got it for me," she squealed. "That is so cute," she said. "Let me guess you freaked because you've never gotten a gift before," "Yes," I nodded. She sighed. "I know how that feels. When Lance started giving me things I didn't know how to cope," "Can you now?" she shook her head. "It still surprises the hell out of me. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like him," she said placing her hand on her belly. "If there is anyone I know that deserves to be happy. It's you. Never question that. What we've done was necessary. We saved a lot of people because of what we did," "In that case, you deserve to be happy too," "I'm going after everything he's built. Karin and their son," she sighed placing her hand on her belly. "Slo, don't make the kid suffer," she said. "I have to go. I'm starving," The screen went blank. I logged off and opened the browser us to find the event she was talking about. After, putting some music on I found it. I smiled when I saw the line up of DJs. I synced my phone to the stereo and turned the volume all the way up. The Machine by Blackgummy blared through what was once silence in the room. I paid for two tickets and stood up. I had let it go. I had let it go because I didn't want to be this. I don't want to be what they said I was. What they still say I am. It's inevitable really. She had told me that in the letters she had left behind for me to find. Royals aren't at the top because of their leadership skills. They're the top of the food chain because those under them are prey. Real wolves don't know mercy. I wanted to be merciful. I still do. "I love you, Slo," his word sting in my chest. "You're all I'll ever want. I want to stay here with you," "We'll eventually find our mates, Car. We're not allowed to fall in love," his eyes. I had never met anyone like him. Deciept is something I had never been familiar with until then. I was able to feel and taste his emotions. They had been so strong and I swear they had been real. I didn't want anything to do with him but he had drawn me in like a moth to a flame. I loved being in his presence. There was so much anger in everyone else but not in him. It hurt. I had never known pain. Real pain. The most beautiful kind. Not until Carter came into my life. Roy had led him right to me. "Hey," I jumped at the sound of Alexie's voice. I wiped my face taking my phone out of my pocket. "Hey, I didn't hear you come in," I said turning the music off. "I'm sorry for leaving the way I did," "I understand," he said putting his coat on the back of my armchair. "I should have killed him but I figured you'd like that honor if what he said was true," "What did he say?" I asked putting my phone back in my pocket. I walked over to the kitchen to open the wine cellar. "Go ahead," he said. I walked down to get a bottle of Amsterdam. I climbed back up and placed it on the counter taking a couple of shot glasses out. I have to tell him and I know I'm not going to be able to do it without this. He wouldn't be able to hear what I have to say without it either. The alpha in him wouldn't allow it because he's already claimed me even if it's not a physical claim. We both know I'm his. "We're going to play a game. Every time, either of us needs me to stop we take a shot," he smiled. "Challenge accepted," I filled the small glass and took my first shot. "We haven't started," "I need this," I smirked making him laugh. "We should take this upstairs. After this is over, I don't want this to happen on my counters. I cook here," "I'm perfectly okay with that," he laughed. I cut up some lemons and grabbed the salt. We walked upstairs. "What did he tell you?" I asked. "He said you and this Carter guy were a thing. He said they were part of Illuminate Moon. That pack run by prophecies. Your dad wanted to form an alliance with them. He said Carter was the acting alpha and that he was the beta. He didn't give me the details but he said it ended badly between you and Carter. Your dad still wanted an alliance so he ordered you to marry Royce to establish a strong alliance. He didn't show up that day and killed a few of your pack wolves on his way out. He said he got really close to Sofia," "Basically," I said. "I brought clothes," he smiled placing a duffle bag on my office chair. "About time," I said. I pulled the comforter off the bed and set the tray with everything in the center and went to get more comfortable. "I have one question before you start," he said. I walked out pulling a loose t-shirt over my head as I walked back out. "Sure," I said. "Did you ever plan on telling me?" "I did. Eventually, you were going to find out I didn't wait for you to come along. I'm sure you'd want an explanation. You may not be a blooded alpha but it's still in you. You wouldn't be able to help it," he took the bottle on the bed and took a shot. "I don't think this is going to be enough, Trouble," I laughed. "I got us something," he looked up at me as I climbed onto the bed and onto his lap. "Have you ever been to a rave?" "No," he said. "We're going to one on Friday. You haven't lived until you've experienced what not having a care in the world feels like," he adjusted us so he could be comfortable. "Alright," he agreed. "Then we have to go to my dad's on Saturday. You heard him. It's mandatory,"
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