Chapter 8

1959 Words
Lilian pov I joined everyone for breakfast and none of them commented on me putting on the black overcoat or tights, but all the same, I felt the disappointment and I tried my best not to be sad. Adaline and Caileen were huddled together over a piece of paper that was most likely our schedule for the day. I took a deep breath, looking down at my French toast as I cut a piece off with my fork and put it in my mouth. Kurt was right, this food was amazing. Thinking about Kurt made me look up at him, and a blush rose to my cheeks as I caught him looking at me. He looked down fast, light red tinting his cheeks, making me blush harder. Why was he staring at me? Did I have food on my face? “That’s not the necklace I picked out for you, where’d you get that? You didn’t have it yesterday.” Adaline said, making me snap out of my thoughts. Gently I touched the necklace, smiling softly at her. “Kurt gave it to me for my birthday last night.” I said softly, awe in my voice. It really was the best present I’ve ever received. Adaline smiled at him, nodding her head. “How thoughtful, is there anything in the locket?” She asked. Quickly I opened it, showing it to her. “This is a picture of my parents when they were teenagers, and this is a picture of my mother and me.” I said softly. Adaline’s eyes widen, a smile breaking out on her face. Caileen nudged Kurt in the side, making him wince. “Look at you! How thoughtful is that! Talk about brownie points, hope you guys didn’t do anything I wouldn’t do last night.” She said with a wink. I couldn’t help but giggle at her, her face was ridiculous. “Of course we didn’t do anything like that, not all of us are like you Caileen. You and Brandos are bunny rabbits.” He said with a laugh. I looked down at my plate and bit my lip, twirling my fork into my food. Of course, he didn’t want to do anything with me, I got too overconfident last night when I thought he was going to kiss me. Not that it mattered, even if he did kiss me it wouldn’t mean anything to him. He kisses girls all the time. Adaline noticed my face and changed the subject. “First up we are getting a massage at the spa. So once we get there you’re going to change into a robe and we’ll be taken to a room where we’ll be getting a full body massage. After that we are going to a steam room to steam out our stress, then a hot bath in a giant bathtub with jets so big it’s shaped like a pool and they use really good smelling soaps. After that we’re getting our nails done, then our hair and makeup. It’ll be a full day of pampering.” Adaline said with a dreamy sigh. I frowned, confused. Why get makeup if by the time we’re finished it’s pretty much dinner time? Was this normal for girlie girls? Kurt stood up suddenly, banging his hands on the table, fury etched on his face. “There won’t be any males having their hands on her body!” He said, his body shaking. I stared at him wide-eyed, surprised. Was he worrying about Adaline? It would make sense because she’s our Luna, but I doubt she’d be attracted to whoever was touching her, she’s true mates with Tate, he’s the only one she sees. Adaline noticed my puzzled face and chuckled. “No Kurt, no males will be touching Lilian or any of us. Do you really think Tate or Brandos would be fine with that? Of course, he was the one who planned it all ahead of time and requested only females.” Adaline said with a giggle. I frowned, confused. Was he worried a male would be touching me? My chest felt tight, confusion on my face. Was he jealous? I tried my best to hold back my smile since I wasn’t fully sure if his fury was directed at me or not. It probably wasn’t, he was only with me because we were forced into an engagement. “Gift!” Caileen said, jumping up and changing the subject. “I’ll be right back!” She sang, running from the room. She was always so very hyper now since she was born so sickly before Adaline healed her. She ran back into the room with two medium-sized boxes and a small card-shaped box. Adaline looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Now? Don’t you think it would be better to wait for dinner for this?” She said with a chuckle. Caileen waved her hand, sitting down at the table. I stared at the presents with wide eyes, shocked. All of this was for me? “It’s fine, besides, this one is for Kurt.” She said with a chuckle, putting one of the medium-sized boxes in front of him. He looked down at it in surprise. “Why do I get a gift? What is this?” He asked, confused. “Don’t look at me, I got Lilian the smaller box, the two medium ones were from Caileen.” Adaline said with a shrug. I opened the medium box along with Kurt, ripping the wrapping paper excitedly. I stared down at the box with surprise. “A cell phone? You got us a cell phone?” Kurt asked in surprise, ripping open the box. I pulled out an iPhone complete with a giant fuzzy pink bunny eared case and turned it on in wonder. What was with this case? It was so cute. I looked at Kurt’s and giggled, his was a black fuzzy monster case. I turned it on and looked at the screen in wonder. “I needed a new cell phone, the last one broke and I haven’t gotten around to getting a new one.” Kurt said with a smile. “But what’s up with this case? It’s ridiculous.” He said. “I think it’s cute.” I whispered, lifting my finger up and gently rubbing it against my case. Kurt smiled softly, shrugging. “Plus...” Caileen sang, leaning over my shoulder and pressing the contacts button. “You both already have your numbers saved in the phone. Along with Lyell and Alarick’s, mine and Brandos’s, and Adaline’s and Tate’s.” She said with a smile. I looked at my contacts with a small smile, staring at Kurt’s name. Caileen leaned over to Kurt with a smile. “And it’s a new number so none of you’re girls will know it unless you give it to them.” She said with a chuckle. I frowned, looking down at my phone, erasing Kurt’s name and renaming him “playboy.” Kurt sighed, rubbing his neck in annoyance. “Open mine next!” Adaline said, handing me the smaller box. I smiled at her, watching how excited she was over it. Slowly I opened the box, a bunch of gift cards falling out onto the table. I picked them up and my eyes widened as I looked them over. Multiple book shop cards a hundred dollars each, clothes shops as well and a few others. At the bottom of the box was a black rectangular book and I picked it up with surprise. “What is this?” I asked as I looked at the blank cover. I opened the front and gasped, quickly skimming through it. “It’s your checking account. Tate and I have been putting a standard Gamma payment into it since he became Alpha four years ago. Technically you don’t get paid until you’re a true Gamma, but because you had nothing saved up and your parents aren’t alive to pass on anything, we have been doing this for you instead. It’s the bank account you will continue to use when you become true gamma. Elite, if you’re still considering to fight Kurt.” She said softly, looking at Kurt with a side glance. I sighed deeply, looking at Kurt. I couldn’t understand his thoughts by his face, he was looking at me with unreadable eyes. Him kissing Beth flashed through my mind and I gripped the checkbook tightly. Slowly I nodded, knowing he must be holding himself back, forcing himself to be with me when he’s interested in other girls. “I’m proceeding with the fight on my eighteenth birthday.” I said sharply. Kurt looked down at the table, then pushed the chair back and stood up. “I’ll see you guys at dinner. Thank you, Caileen, for my present.” He said sharply, smiling as he turned around and walked to his room. I heard the door shut and I swallowed sharply, taking a deep breath. Caileen and Adaline sighed, both of them staring at each other as we finished our breakfast. “I guess it’s time we leave.” Adaline said as a knock sounded at the door. She stood up and allowed room service workers to come take the remains of breakfast away. I went to my room and brushed a brush through my hair again, looking at myself in the mirror. Kurt’s face flashed through my mind as he stood up and smiled at us before going to his room, and I couldn’t help but think maybe he was hiding behind a fake smile. ‘Why? Because you think he truly loves you and doesn’t want to fight you?’ Sevra whispered in my ear with a breathy laugh. I waved my hand through the air, making it go back and forth through her face in annoyance. ‘It’s all just an act, sweetie. He doesn’t want you, he wants to be free. That’s why he was kissing Beth.’ Sevra goaded as I slipped my shoes on. I sighed, my hand on the doorknob as I turned to look at her. “I know you’re right.” I whispered to her. “That’s why I’m going to fight him, and lose so I can become Elite. Then he will be free to find a new girl as his fiancé and future Gamma. A great Gamma that the pack deserves.” I said. ‘Yes, a gamma the pack deserves. Not some broken little toy like you.’ Sevra said with a giggle. I sighed, feeling like the weight of the world was on my shoulders as I used my free hand to touch my necklace, looking down at it. “He deserves someone better than a broken little girl.” I whispered. I took a deep breath and opened the door, walking out of my room to join the girls for the day, a fake smile plastered on my face.
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