Chapter Twenty-Three

1055 Words

Betty POV I flew south, heading to the hot plains that Enzo talked about, with the many flights I had taken over the years. Never had I gone near the plains. In the sky, you can avoid it completely, but over land, it is hard to avoid it. I knew when I got close and started to fly over it, even from up here, the heat of the plains could be felt. Slowly, I started to fly circles a few times, each time making the circles smaller and smaller until I spotted Nelly. She was walking away from the caravan. I could see that it had settled in for the night, it looked good to me and I could not wait to head over there. Quickly, I lowered down towards the ground, Nelly stopped and looked up at me, and patiently waited, watching my descent. Once I hit the ground, I shifted back to my human self. Luck

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