Chapter Three

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Betty POV The boys arrived home, all excited over something. They were not alone. I could hear a lot of horses outside. ‘Wow, sis, this is great.’ My brother said, as he walked into the lounge room and looked at the decorations I had placed around the room. The boys from school entered and cheered and slapped Jonny on the back, wishing him a happy birthday and a couple had gifts for him. Mickie walked in next, followed by Robbie and lastly, Louie, who had a very large man with him, not at all one of the boys from the school. As he took a few steps into the lounge, my dragon screamed in my head ‘MATE’ at the same time as mum and dad hurriedly entered the room and pushed me aside as they eagerly met the man and, with wide eyes, I watched mum and dad go to their knees before this man. I looked at the boys in the room and they did not seem surprised by this action, yet I had no idea who this man was or why he was in our house. I do know I had seen this man before; he was part of the group that we helped last night. I went to the bench nearby grabbed the present I had made for Jonny and handed it to him, ignoring what Mum and Dad were doing. At the moment I did not want to know, it was Jonny’s evening and I did not want anything to spoil it. He opened it carefully and whooped in joy. I made him a new jacket out of rabbit skins. It took me months to get it right. It was because of our cold winter months, that he had outgrown the last one. ‘Thanks sis.’ He squealed, as his voice was breaking, and when excited it went up an octave or two, he pulled me into a hug and then put on the jacket I had made. It fit him well and I have even monogrammed it so his name was on the left pocket. On the inside I had a few more hidden pockets, I heard the ooos and ahhs, as the boys investigated the jacket and touched the soft rabbit fur lining. Mum and Dad were entertaining the man. I had still not heard his name, and I could tell several men were still waiting outside. It was the whole caravan out there waiting. What would the neighbours think, having many men outside our door, clogging up the roadway? ‘You did all this, sis? You’re the best.’ He cut the cake and took the first slice to our visitor, who took it and wished Jonny happy birthday. Jonny then proceeded to cut the rest of the cake and hand it out. I heard the man groan in pleasure as he ate the cake, and I looked over at Mum and Dad, and both seemed to have a huge grin on their faces. I guess they were happy that the man was enjoying the cake, and if they were happy, then I was happy. Mum and Dad were still talking to the man who had entered with my brothers, something about the twins going to the palace to train as a warrior. Wow, what an honour. I could not have been happier for them. They deserved to get out there and do what they had always wanted to do. The twins had said since they were young that they were going to be palace warriors, and now they had a chance to make that wish a reality. ‘When do you wish for them to go to the palace?’ dad asked as mum offered more cake to him. ‘If you don’t mind, we would like to take them with us.’ The boys squealed with delight and Mum and Dad’s mouths dropped open in shock. ‘Now?’ Mum asked, looking like she was going to burst into tears. ‘Yes, and I would like to take your daughter too.’ He said, and it took everything in me not to fall on the floor in shock. ‘Betty? Why would you like to take her?’ Mum asked, tears now falling, unable to stop them now. ‘If you don’t mind, I would like to discuss that in private.’ The man stood up and so did Mum and Dad, and he followed my dad to his study and Mother followed them, looking over her shoulder at me as she disappeared into the study and the door closed with a loud click. The boy stared at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. I had an idea. After my dragon said that word ‘mate’, I am guessing he got the same from his dragon. I was not sure, but my gut said I would be leaving with the boys. That is what my dragon has been nagging me to do, so I guess fate has turned in her favour. Do I want to travel with these men? They are going where I want to go, and I don’t mind being closer to my mate. Gloria had promised to keep me looking like a normal human and not reveal we are shifters yet, again something about not the right time, and wondered when the right time would be. The boys continued to enjoy the party and have fun as the boys do. The twins had gone upstairs to pack, they were getting ready to leave. The men said they would take them now. I thought I heard them say I was to go too, but I was not sure, as the boys cheered at that moment, blocking out the rest of the conversation. I was in the kitchen cleaning up when the men and my parents returned to the main room. Mum looked like she had been crying and Dad looked worried. The twins leaving would make them proud. They had been talking about it for months. As we heard the caravan was getting closer, our scouts kept the Mayor of our town informed of everything that happened within a few towns away, all part of it being safe. I wondered if the Mayor knew about the little skirmish that happened last night.
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