Chapter Six

1033 Words
Enzo POV For some reason, I had expected Betty to cause me more trouble. She never cried when we left her home. She was there for her brothers when they needed help and comfort as they were a little upset leaving home for the first time, but not once did she complain or show any fear or upset over our trip. She handled herself well in the saddle, and when we stopped to camp for the night, she tended to her horse first and that impressed me even more. I had to teach our young warriors to tend to the horse first. Most used to complain about that, but not this girl, she was acting like a seasoned warrior, doing what was needed. I walked passed her and saw she was sleeping soundly on the ground. That surprised me too. Every woman we have travelled with in the past has complained that if they had to sleep out in the open or on the floor, they demanded a bed be made in the wagon or pitch a tent, and here is a young girl, being better than many new warriors. I am so lucky my mate so far has shown to be a strong woman and not one that expects household luxuries when out travelling. It is almost as if she had done this sort of thing before. I am looking forward to getting to know her better. Soon I found a place to sleep and nestled down for the night. We don’t normally post guards, as it is rare for someone to attack a flight of dragons. We were at the top of the food line, it took me a little while to find a comfortable spot. My dragon would not stop telling me to sleep closer to our mate, as he did not trust others so close to her, but I ignored him. I had to sleep and being closer to her, smelling her, would not give me the sleep I needed. An alluring smell of food and the noise of the camp wakening had me rising from my bed and waking up and starting the day. Getting ready for our next day of travel, I made it down to a little creek and had a quick wash. The water was freezing and I took a moment to enjoy the peace of the early morning peace, a cold mist lay across the water, giving it an eerie feel. The sun had yet to rise on the horizon and burn the mist of the area. Laughter from the men had me headed back to find out what was for breakfast. I needed a coffee and something substantial to start the day. What I was not expecting was to find all the men sitting around a fire, drinking coffee and eating meat and some looked to be eating pancakes. This is not what our cook would normally cook in the mornings. Hunting down the food, I was surprised by the variety we had and looked about for our cook. He was sitting on a log, eating what looked like a chicken leg and having a coffee by his feet, chatting to Betty. I felt a bit of jealousy and had to check it down. I could not show my hand yet, that she was my mate, a thought I had, almost tempted to tell the men so they would steer clear of her, but then that might make our trip awkward and I did not want that. Boy, having a mate is complicated. I can’t wait to get her home and try and have a normal attempt at wooing her. Never had I expected to find my mate out on the road and bring her back like this. ‘Morning Gus, since when did you make fried birds and pancakes for breakfast?’ I asked as I sat on the log next to him. I wanted to sit beside Betty but she was on the end of the log and there was no space for me to nestle in next to her. ‘Not me, the food was already caught, cleaned and cooking by the time I woke up, and even the pancakes were on, some berries washed and syrup for the pancakes. You should try them. You will never want me to cook ever again. Gus passed me some pancakes and I have to admit they are fluffy and melt in your mouth and the syrup was not too sweet. ‘Who made these?’ I asked as I put another large amount into my mouth. ‘Betty!' Her brother asked for pancakes, and after the rest of us laughed at the request, we had to apologise after they got a taste of the pancakes. These are the best I have ever tasted and I can understand why the boys asked her to cook them this morning.’ Gus said, and I looked over at Betty and noticed she was staring into the fire, and not listening to our conversation. I wondered where her mind was at that moment. ‘They are very tasty Betty.’ I complimented her and she just shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing. Gus then gave me a piece of crumbed chicken and I groaned out loud as the taste bloomed on my tongue, after eating the sweet pancakes, to the savoury flavour of the chicken. I did not think the two would go together, but how wrong could I be? I wouldn’t mind her cooking more often if this is what she cooks. ‘Wow.’ I said after I swallowed my mouthful. ‘Yeah, that is what I said too. I have asked her to show me her recipe, but even with that, I am not sure I can replicate this meal.’ Gus said with respect in his voice. He knew good food when he tasted it, being out on the trails, eating what you catch, it is not always easy to make tasty food every time, but this girl seemed to be at ease cooking on open fires out in the forest, and our seasoned cook was impressed and that said a lot about this girl’s ability.
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