1256 Words

19Phillips caught up with him in the corridor the following day, scowling as usual. “Where were you yesterday afternoon, Meres?” “I had permission, sir. From Miss Earle.” “I didn't ask you that. You weren't getting up to anything else questionable were you?” “Questionable? Not at all, sir. I went home, did a bit more work on my art and then went to bed. No crime in that, sir.” Phillips sucked in his breath. “I've put my neck on the line for you, Meres. Just don't let me begin to question my decision. That's all.” And with that, he stomped off. Jed didn't give Phillips another thought throughout the rest of the day, which went, for the most part, well. Until late afternoon, when he was just putting the final changes to his artwork and Chaplain came in, grinning broadly, and grabbed Mis

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