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17There were two things nagging away at Jed as he sat on his bed, listening to Electric Warrior by T-Rex. Firstly, why was Brian Randall so angry about his mum and Jed's dad 'getting it together'? He knew what his mum was like, and had been through it all before with Sullivan. These things happen. Okay, it might be a little embarrassing – in all honesty, it was really embarrassing, but nothing to get so het-up about, surely. Jed could understand the reaction about Sullivan. A policeman, that close, especially when you had a bit of a track record, like the one Brian had, or still did. But, when it was merely a next-door neighbour. No, it just didn't feel right that Brian should be so threatening, so upset. Perhaps more worrying were the photographs. Who had taken them, and why? Whoever it w

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