837 Words

12On the same morning that Brian Randall received his package, brought to him by a sneering prison warder, Larry took Jed to one side and sat him down in the lounge, a cup of tea in front of him. “That story Mat told us,” Larry Meres said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair, “it got me to thinking.” “About what?” “Stuff. Honesty. Being honest.” “I don't get you, Dad. What are you talking about? Don't you think Matthew was telling us the truth about what happened, is that it?” “No, not him, Jed. Me. I want to be honest about me.” “Now I'm really confused.” Jed took a sip of his tea and made a face. “No sugar!” “Sorry.” It was a welcome pause and Larry went off into the kitchen to get some sugar. He leaned against the sink for a moment, wondering if he was about to do the right thing

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