1380 Words

10They walked together to school, Jed dragging his feet, not wanting to go. Larry, also reluctant, knew how difficult it was going to be, especially when school friends caught sight of him. Already he could hear the playground taunts. Mr Phillips took some persuading. He sat, silent and moody, arms folded, leaning back in his chair, his gaze unflinching as Larry set out all the reasons why Jed should be given another chance to stay on at school, get his head down, study hard and pass his GCEs. “I'm not sure if I want him here at school, Mr Meres.” Phillips cast his dark eyes over Larry and Jed. “I have the reputation of the school to think about, and the safety of the other students. Besides, I doubt if he can pass any of his exams, not now.” “But you can't legally prevent him from comi

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