As soon as we got to their apartment, I crawled into the bed they gave me and Ezekiel to share. Right at that moment, I didn’t realize the predicament. All I knew was I was tired, in every meaning of the word, I was. When I woke up later, my stomach was so empty I wasn’t even hungry anymore. When I enter their kitchen, I see Andy seated at one side munching on a sandwich. I realize that this apartment is much like Ezekiel’s when I first went. Not much here, in case of a fast escape. A small wooden table with four chairs on either side. A stove, a refrigerator and a counter around the sink is all that fills the place. Andy yells, “Mate, she’s up!” and in comes Ezekiel, then wallowing behind, slower, Rosin. “How are you, D?” He asks wrapping his arm around my waist. “Way better than