Those Particular Eyes and Lovely Scent

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Third Person's P.O.V "Why don't we start with you? The girl with glasses and curly hair." She stood up, oozing with just enough confidence that portrays independence. She was beautiful with her curly hair and her long eyelashes that were curled up naturally. She had pink links and she had fair complexion. She wore extravagant clothes, fashionable and pleasing to the eyes. Her fashion sense was way above the standard in the Philippines. "Good morning, everyone. I'm Alexa Simone, but you can call me 'Uno' because I hate my name, so please don't use that. I came from CNU and a PolSci major and my hobbies include reading books and watching Netflix series like House of the Dragons. I don't have work experience yet, and yes, that's about it." Her voice was cute, which adhered to her appearance. Emerald looked at her intently, listening without skipping a word. "Uno, right? Why 'Uno'?" "Welll, since I hate my name, my friends used to call me 'Simone', then 'One' from that origin, then it turned to 'Uno', since it basically is just the same." "Ah, I see. Noted. Nice name and even the nickname. So, who's next?" No one seemed to volunteer from Emerald's table, so Mel turned to Uno and asked. "Since you're the last person who talked, you can pick someone from that table to talk first. Voluntell someone. A combination of volunteer and tell. We will have a talk about this matter in a bit, once everyone is done introducing themselves." Emerald panicked. She knew she was going to get picked. Uno was looking at Emerald with a big smile, telepathically confirming that she will call Emerald. Emerald shook her head intently, pleading with her eyes. "I pick the girl with the mustard sweatshirt." Emerald bit her lips, cursing Uno under her breath. I'll get you back with this. "Hey, everyone. My name's Emerald Walter, but you can call me Waltz. I studied at IAU and had just graduated this May. I was a paid writer for two years, but other than that, I also teach instruments to people. My hobbies are watching anime and playing Valorant." "Ooh, Waltz. It has a nice sound to it. Can you dance? Considering that your nickname is Waltz." "Please, God, no." everyone laughed at Waltz's reaction and the firmness of the rejection. "Alright, please continue." Waltz and Uno stared at each other, but Uno blew a kiss for peace. Waltz shook her head and listened to the others, who were still introducing about themselves. For Waltz, it was rude to talk when someone was talking. Once everyone was done, Mel continued where she left off with the 'voluntell'. "Alright, so there will be groupings inside the room. Whoever has the highest score can give a dare to the losing team. Your grouping will be the people that you're sharing your table with right now. The dare will only have two limits. It should be done only within the room, and does not involve money. Got it?" "Yes, Mel." "Got it." "Understood." "Alright. Now, as for how to gain points. We will have activities and such. Raise your hands to acquire points and only when called will you answer, alright? As for the 'voluntell' - the last person who was called before will voluntell someone, like earlier, but even when the correct answer was provided by the person who was voluntold, they will not receive points." The possibility of people dancing in front of the whole class wa traumatizing for some people, but for some people as well, was a challenge taking in lightheartedly. Waltz was in no position to dance. She abhor the idea of performing in front of everyone. Contrary to being a performer, she hated dancing in front of a crowd. "Did everyone get it?" "Yes, Mel." "Do you have questions?" "None so far." "Get yourself a laptop and log in to your email. I sent you something." It came as if it was second nature to everyone to grab a laptop and grab the charger for the right laptop as well. The silence was not deafening. Instead, it was soothing. Busy with their own things, Waltz caught another whiff of that scent. Whose is that? I keep smelling it, but I can't seem to find who it is. It was getting to Waltz. Not knowing whose wonderful scent it was, Waltz looked like a weirdo, turning her head left and right whenever she smells the scent. "You okay? You look weirded out." Chea asked. Chea was the girl that Waltz came inside the room with, and four years younger than Waltz. Albeit younger, taller she was. She had both the mascular adn feminine look to her. Her had sharp features that can pass up as handsome and her silky hair that can withstand any abrupt wind. "No. It's just that I keep smelling this scent." "Is it a good scent or is it a fart?" Waltz laughed. "It's a nice scent." When Waltz and Chea finally did what they supposed to do, someone from the room murmured something to Uno. "I thought Waltz was a guy at first with feminine features." "She looks handsome though." Uno answered honestly. "Baby face too. I thought for sure that Waltz was the same age as us." "Yeah. She also sounds British. Expensive accent right there." "I don't know how to speak British. I wonder where she got that from." "We can ask her." "You talked?" Uno's eyes wandered to where Waltz was and then back to the person that she was talking to. "Yeah. She talked to me first, earlier." "I wonder where her girlfriend is." "Girlfriend? She has a girlfriend here?" "During the first week, we were in Don's room together, but I don't think she remembers me. There was a girl that was clinging on to her. They were really touchy. Only them in their circle." "Oh? Really? We can ask her later." "Alright then." The day ended with a hitch. Points acquired, and people talking about how Waltz was the only one making the points from their table. Her groupmates were silent, and not very outspoken. They were shy, and timid, not sure if they have the right answer. But the day was already done. "Waltz," Uno called out to Waltz, ready to ask the question when she noticed that Waltz was looking at her without blinking, rather seriously. "What's wrong?" Uno asked. "Can I give you a hug?" "Uh, you sure you won't try anything?" Waltz laughed. "Unless you want me to?" Uno laughed too, taking on the challenge. "If you dare, but yeah, you can give me a hug." Waltz gave Uno a hug and she was sure, it was Uno. Uno was the one that she has been smelling from the other corner of the room. That scent that Waltz liked. That scent that alm ost drove Waltz crazy. Waltz smiled and ended the hug. "What was that for?" Uno asked, her curiosity piqued by Waltz. The suddenness caught her off guard. Was there something that she didn't know? That she didn't understand? "Oh, nothing. Was just checking something. Anyway, what did you need?" "Someone asked me earlier where your girlfriend was?" Waltz head tilted to the side, bewildered about who they were talking about. "I have no girlfriend." "Got it. I'll tell him." "Him?" Uno waved her hand, trying to dismiss Watlz curiosity. "It's really nothing. Anyway, are you going home?" "Yeah, want to come with?" Waltz asked, winking. "You're moving a little too fast there, baby." Uno smirked when she saw that something went haywire inside Waltz's head. "Right. Well, be safe on the road!" There was undeniable tension between the two, sinking deeply as they continued to talk.
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