Slowly Etched

1304 Words
Third Person's P.O.V "Are you alright? You look tired as hell." Chea asked Waltz who was dozing off, head bobbing to the side, having a hard time concentrating at the task on hand. Chea flicked Emerald's forehead, causing the skin to redden - quite sensitive. Emerald merely giggled, unsure if Chea was trying to wake her up or maybe she just wanted to inflict pain on Emerald. But one thing was for sure, Emerald was still sleepy. Chea's action didn't help at all. Emerald was, perhaps, just numb at the moment. "I'm alright. It's just that I haven't really slept yet." "And why is that?" Chea asked. The person who was sitting beside Emerald came back from the restroom, fully refreshed. "Cy, you're back. Now, I can go." Emerald said, smiling at Cyriel. Cyriel was one of Emerald's friends sitting at the same table. They were partners in crime when it came to pairings. Cyriel nodded at Emerald and gestured at the door, so that no one else will go to the bathroom and steal Emerald's queue. "Thanks," Emerald said and smiled before walking to the door. "What do you think happened to Waltz?" Chea asked Cyriel. "I'm not sure. She seems tired." "She said she hasn't slept at all." Cyriel and Chea shared a look before clearing their throats. They were sure that the other held feelings different from those of a friend only, but they both didn't want to talk about it. It was weird for them both to share intimate feelings when they were strangers not so long ago. "What are we going to do now?" Waltz asked, looking at Cyriel and Chea for information. "Just to answer these," Cyriel answered and pointed at the screen. "Oh, partnership?" Waltz was smiling. She was always smiling. It was Waltz who kept the room alive, whether someone liked it or not. Wherever Waltz goes, people always comment about her smile or her energy. She was an energetic fellow, and she did not intend to change her attitude towards the public. "Yeah, we're partners again." There was something about Emerald that Cyriel wants to keep as her partner forever. Emerald helped, and if not help, Emerald would do everything herself. Cyriel isn't a fan of being the burden in the group, but Emerald never made her feel that way. Emerald was a bright person, and Cyriel felt like Emerald can do everything on her own if let be. "Oh, goodie. I love being partners with you." Cyriel was always wearing a mask. It was either because she was accustomed to always wearing a mask as she is a nursing student, or if she's just shy around new people, but nonetheless, she was glad that she was wearing a mask because that meant that Emerald wouldn't be able to see her smiling behind the mask. She didn't want to appear giddy. She wanted to keep her image as a cool person. "Don't be too obvious now, Waltz. Your baby girl won't like it." Waltz laughed and shook her head. "I don't have a girlfriend though. Sad, really." Waltz grabbed the laptop from Cyriel's lap and put it on the table and started writing. At 118wpm, Emerald typed like crazy - with little to no pauses when it came to predictive texts. Cyriel looked at Emerald and her fingers that seemed to be flying everywhere when she typed - it was another reason for Cyriel to look at Emerald with a different perspective. "If you want, you can tell me what you think about this passage, I'll type it and I'll put my thoughts here as well, then we can brainstorm from there?" Cyriel blinked a couple of times, trying to snap back to reality. "Yeah, that works. Hold on," Despite being busy, a set of eyes followed Emerald's movements. Keen. Observant. There was something about Emerald that kept eyes on her always. Even if the person doesn't like Emerald romantically, they can't help but look at Emerald. She was a magnet when it came to attention. "You're looking at her again." Bill told Uno, who quickly averted her gaze to someone else. "What do you mean? Who? Where?" "Tell me, do you like her?" "That's too broad of a spectrum." Bill raised an eyebrow at Uno, almost wanting to strangle the truth from Uno. "Then why do you keep looking at her?" "She asked for a hug yesterday, and I'm looking at her now because I want to know her train of thoughts. I just want to give justice to my overthinking." Bill shook his head. "Before you overthink about that s**t again, help me so we can finish, bitch." Uno laughed. "Yes, ma'am." Another set of eyes were loitering around the room and came across a laughing Uno. Impressed by the happiness that she was feeling, his eyes lingered on the person. He couldn't help but examine every inch of Uno's face. How pink her lips were, and how fair her complexion was. He was sure that underneath that jacket was a body to die for. "What about this? How does this sound?" Emerald asked Cyriel in the most gentle voice possible. It was soothing to Cyriel's ears. She couldn't stop herself from looking at Emerald. "Is there something on my face?" Emerald asked. "Oh, no. I was just thinking and it helps if I look at you." Emerald shyly giggled. "Well, don't look too long. You might realize that I'm really really ugly." That was one thing that Cyriel noticed about Emerald as well. She wasn't confident about her looks, when in fact, Emerald was one of the most attractive person she has ever met. With an innocent smile, a gentleman's personality and handsome baby face, she was sure that people would line up just to be with Emerald. "Who said you're ugly?" "My sister." "Ah- I'm an only child, but I do hear that siblings tend to be hard on each other, so don't take it to heart?" Emerald grinned while staring at Cyriel. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She was being stared at by Emerald so lovingly, without caution. Her heart was unable to process just euphoria. "Thank you." "You're - no problem." Cyriel cleared her throat and looked at the screen to avoid eye-to-eye contact with Emerald. "Alright, everyone. Time's up. I'll be calling partners, so have your answers ready." It was a long day for everyone, but most especially for Emerald, who hasn't slept for 24 hours now. "Do you guys want to drink?" Lee asked Bill and Uno. "I'm game. But right now?" Uno asked for confirmation, seeing that it was already four in the morning. "Yeah, why? Come on. Let's go." Lee was smiling from ear to ear, ready to drink. "I mean, yeah. But it's dawn. You guys sure you'll be fine?" Bill asked. "Yeah. Let's go. I'll ask Ji and Neil as well. Why not ask someone else to join as well?" Lee said before walking to where Ji was. Bill smiled teasingly at Uno, insinuating that it was her chance to ask her to come with them. "Oh, shut up." Uno said before exhaling. "Waltz!" Uno called Emerald. She was ready to leave when she heard someone call her name. "Oh, yeah?" Cyriel and Chea also looked at Uno, waiting for her to say something. Of course, Uno saw three heads turn to where she was, but paid no mind. "Want to come drink with us?" Something inside Emerald dinged. She was tired, but it had been so long since she drank, and she was sure that her body was rearing to go already. "Yeah." Cyriel and Chea were confused, because Emerald was tired, and it was obvious, but she said 'yes' to drinking out with them. "Let's go now."

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